See also: Article on Peaches; Peach Quotes
There are 149,237 acres of peach trees in the U.S.
(most recent ag census in 2007).
The peach is a member of the rose family. It was first cultivated in China and revered as a symbol of longevity. The image was placed on pottery and received as a gift with great esteem. Travelers along caravan routes carried the peach seed to Persia before it was cultivated in Europe. In the early 1600s Spanish explorers brought it to the New World and by the 1700s missionaries had established peaches in California. - 5 a Day
The Peach (Prunus persica) was designated as the Official Fruit of South Carolina in 1984.
Cling or clingstone peaches have a pit to which the flesh 'clings'; freestone peaches have a pit from which the flesh is easily pulled away.
The peach is the state fruit of Georgia and South Carolina. It is also the state flower of Delaware.
The peach blossom is Delaware's official state flower.
Johnston, South Carolina is known as the Peach Capital of the World.
Marco Polo supposedly saw peaches that weighed several pounds each.
Peaches were fed to hogs and used for making brandy in colonial America.
The U.S. is the world's largest producer of peaches, accounting for about 20% of the total supply. Other major producers are Italy, France, Greece and Spain.
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