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Recipes from The Inglenook Cookbook
by The Sisters of the Brethren Church (1906)
Put 2 gallons of clabber in an iron pot over a moderate fire and bring to 180 degrees Fahrenheit in 3/4 hour; now skim it out of the pot and put in the colander to drain. As soon as cool enough to work with the hands, press out most of the whey by handfuls and lay in another vessel, the warmer you work it the better, as the soda will have more effect. Now add 2 small teaspoonfuls of soda and 1 of salt, mix well and press down lightly in the vessel. It will be ready for use in an hour, although it can be kept several days. If properly made, it will rise and be light and when cut in slices and laid on a plate looks well on the table. If it is dry and crummy, it may have been scalded too hard or have been pressed too hard. If soft and sticky, not enough scalding and too much whey.
Sister Catharine Wampler, Dayton, Va.
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