JUNE 24 - Today in Food History• National Pralines Day (A form of confection, typically of butter {and/or cream}, brown sugar, and pecans). • UK: [National Picnic Week] (June 17-25, 2024) (Picnic Trivia & Facts) On this day in:1374 An outbreak of Dancing Mania (sometimes known as 'St. John’s Dance') occurred in Aix-la-Chapelle, France. People were overcome with bouts of uncontrollable, manic dancing. Frothing at the mouth, screaming, and sexual frenzy were other symptoms. Ergot (fungus) poisoning (from grain) is now believed to have been the ultimate cause. (Ergot Facts -- Ergotism & Salem) 1532 Robert Dudley, the earl of Leicester, was born. Hey diddle, diddle, the cat and the fiddle, the cow jumped over the moon. The little dog laughed to see such sport, and the dish ran away with the spoon. Dudley was Queen Elizabeth I’s first court favorite. She called him her 'puppy.' He is the dog who laughs in the nursery rhyme 'Hey diddle diddle,' when the dish runs away with the spoon, i.e., when Lady Elizabeth Throckmorton, one of the Queen’s ladies in waiting, ran away with the Queen’s taster, the Earl of Hereford, since he did not favor the tight reign Elizabeth kept on her court. He was also the step-father of her second lover, the Earl of Essex. 1817 The first coffee was planted in Hawaii on the Kona coast. (Coffee Trivia & Facts -- Hawaii Food Trivia -- Hawaii Food Festivals) 1839 Gustavus Franklin Swift was born. Founder of the meat-packing business, Swift & Co., the inventor of the refrigerated railway car, and the first to ship 'dressed' beef to eastern markets instead of live animals. 1895 Jack Dempsey was born. He is regarded as one of the greatest boxers of all time. He held the world heavyweight title from 1919 to 1926. He then became a successful restaurateur in New York City. 1919 Albert Francis "Al" Molinaro was born (died Oct 30, 2015). American actor who played Al Delvecchio, Drive-In owner and cook on the TV sitcom 'Happy Days' and Murray Greshler on 'The Odd Couple'. He also appeared in many television commercials. 1938 At about 6pm a meteor streaked across the sky in western Pennsylvania and exploded about 12 miles high over Chicora in Butler County. Only 2 small fragments were found, 241g and 61g. A cow was either injured or killed (reports vary). The original mass of the meteor was estimated at 450-520 tons. 1992 'Chinese Coffee' opened at the Circle on the Square theatre in New York City. 2003 Richard Pough died. An American ecologist he was the founding president of the Nature Conservancy and helped found the World Wildlife Fund. In 1945, he was one of the first to warn about the dangers of DDT to fish and birds.