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st-patricks-021st-patricks-021MARCH 17
Today in Food History

• St. Patrick's Day. According to many studies, this is the biggest day of the year for combined food and beverage sales in restaurants and bars.
  (History and Facts  --  · St. Patrick’s Day Recipes)

• Corned Beef & Cabbage Day
  (Slow Cooker Corned Beef & Cabbage Recipe)

• St. Gertrude of Nivelles' Day, patron of gardeners and travelers.

Ag Appreciation Week: March 17-22, 2025 [Community Agriculture Alliance]  A time to recognize and celebrate the importance of agriculture.
  (Farms & Farmers Trivia)

[National Agriculture Week] (March 16-22, 2025) A time to celebrate the abundance provided by agriculture

[National Poison Prevention Week]  (March 16-22, 2025 - 3rd wk March) Established by Congress on September 16, 1961 [PL 87-319]

• American Chocolate Week (March 16-22, 2025)
  (Chocolate Trivia & Facts  ---  Chocolate Quotes)


On this day in:

461 A.D. Saint Patrick, Christian missionary, bishop and the 'Apostle of Ireland' died. (The year is uncertain).

1751 Anders Dahl was born. A renowned Swedish botanist, the Dahlia flower was named for him.

1762 The first St. Patrick's Day parade held in New York City by Irish soldiers serving in the British army.

1764 William Oliver died (born Aug 14, 1695). English physician credited with creating the 'Bath Oliver' - a very plain, round unsweetened biscuit or cracker, usually served with cheese.

1768 William Cookworthy received a British patent for a process to manufacture fine white porcelain from local clay, leading to the establishment of the porcelain industry in Britain.

1845 Stephen Perry and and Thomas Barnabas Daft patented a method for manufacturing rubber bands using vulcanized rubber.

1845 Henry Jones, a baker in Bristol, England received a patent for 'self-raising flour' - flour pre-mixed with baking powder and salt. He also received a U.S. patent on May 1, 1849. (Flour Trivia & Facts)

1849 Charles F. Brush was born (died June 15, 1929). U.S. inventor and entrepreneur.  Invented improvements to arc lights and generators. His arc lamps on NY City's Broadway gave it the nickname 'The Great White Way.'

1864 Work began on a 2 mile long, 5 foot diameter, water supply tunnel for Chicago. It was completed in 1867.

1910 The Camp Fire Girls was founded in the U.S. (previously the ‘official’ year was 1912).

1944 John Sebastian of the music group 'Loving Spoonful' was born.

1958 The Champs' 'Tequila' was number 1 on the music charts.

1967 Billy Corgan of the music group 'Smashing Pumpkins' was born.

1968 Over 6,000 sheep are found dead in Skull Valley, Utah as a result of U.S. Army nerve gas testing at nearby Dugway Proving Ground on March 13.
(Sheep Trivia and Facts)

1971 Martin Hadden was born.  British chef. Executive Chef for Historic Sussex Hotels.

2001 The Eden Project officially opens in Cornwall, England.  Its numerous Biomes are the biggest conservatories in the world. (

2020 Coronavirus: At least 33 states have closed all K-12 schools causing concerns for students who are in free school meal programs.


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