MARCH 9 - Today in Food History• U.S., Canada & Mexico Daylight Saving Time begins 2nd Sunday in March and ends 1st Sunday in November (March 9 to Nov 2, 2025) Did you turn your clocks ahead last night? (Time Trivia & Facts --- Time Quotes) • National Crabmeat Day (Crab Recipes --- Crab Facts & Trivia) National Meatball Day (Meatball Recipes --- Meatball Appetizers) • National False Teeth Day (Teeth Trivia) • Groundwater Awareness Week (March 9-15, 2025) [National Ground Water Association] • UK: [SPAM Appreciation Week] (March 3-9, 2025) • UK: [British Pie Week] (March 3-9, 2025) (Pie Recipes --- Pie Trivia --- Pie Quotes) On this day in:1454 Amerigo Vespucci was born (died Feb 22, 1512). Italian explorer and cartographer, he was the first to realize that America was a new previously unknown continent. German cartographer (mapmaker) Martin Waldseemüller is credited with the first usage of 'America' on a map, to honor Vespucci. 1822 Charles Graham of New York received a patent for artificial teeth. (Teeth, Toothbrush etc. Trivia) (Teeth Quotes) 1839 The French withdraw from occupying Veracruz, Mexico and 'The Great Pastry War' ends. (see Nov 30, 1938 for details). 1858 Albert Potts of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania received the first U.S. patent (# 19,578) for a street mailbox. Designed to be mounted on a lamp-post they were soon used in Boston and New York City. 1870 'Granny Smith' died (born Maria Ann Sherwood in 1799). Granny Smith discovered the apple named for her, growing on a seedling tree on her farm. (Granny Smith Apple Trivia --- Apple Quotes) 1949 The first all-electric dining car, the 'Cafe St. Louis', was put into service on the Illinois Central Railroad between Chicago, Illinois and St. Louis, Missouri. (Dining Car Trivia & Facts) 1959 The Barbie doll debuted at the American International Toy Fair in New York City. 1964 The first Ford Mustang rolls off the assembly line 1977 Canada bans Saccharin as potentially carcinogenic. (Saccharin Trivia & Facts) 1995 Turbot War: Canadian patrol boats fires shots across the bow and seize a Spanish trawler for taking undersized Turbot, violating 1982 Law of the Sea Convention. The dispute began to escalate as both countries sent additional naval vessels to the area, but an agreement was finally reached on April 5, 1995 ending the dispute. 2009 In an effort to boost tourism, Utah agrees to open bars to the public, ending the states private club system, which required patrons fill out a separate application and pay a membership fee for each bar. The new law goes into effect on July 1, 2009. (Utah Food Trivia & Facts) 2009 France raised the minimum age to purchase alcohol from 16 to 18 years of age. (France Food Trivia & Facts) 2012 The movies 'Jiro Dreams of Sushi' and 'Salmon Fishing in the Yemen' opened in U.S. theatres. 2020 Oil prices have dropped almost 30% due to a price war between Saudi Arabia and Russia. 2020 Italy imposed a national quarintine on the entire country to stop the spread of the Coronavirus.