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Today in Food HistoryMAY >  May 15



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MAY 15 - Today in Food History

• National Chocolate Chip Day
  (Chocolate Chip Cookie Trivia)

• St. Isidore the Farmer, patron of agricultural workers, livestock, and ranchers.

• [National Women’s Health Week] (May 12-18, 2024) begins on Mother’s Day

• [Food Allergy Awareness Week] (May 12-18, 2024)

American Craft Beer Week (May 13-19, 2024)
  [Brewers Association]   (Beer Trivia  - Beer Articles)
(Beer Quotes)

Go Public Gardens Days  (May 10-19, 2024)
  [American Public Gardens Assn]

• [World Salt Awareness Week] (May 13-19, 2024)
  (Salt Trivia  ·  Salt Kitchen Tips  ·  Salt Quotes)
  (Articles: Salt of the Earth 1  ·  Salt of the Earth 2)


On this day in:

1602 English explorer Bartholomew Gosnold dropped anchor off the Massachusetts coast. The crew pulled in so many cod fish that they "threw numbers of them overboard again."  Gosnold decided to name the place 'Cape Cod.'  (Cod Fish Trivia  --  Codfish Recipes)

1792 James Mayer de Rothschild was born (died Nov 15, 1868).  European banker and founder of the French branch of the Rothschild family.  In 1868 he acquired the famous Chateau Lafite vineyards in Bordeaux, France.
(Bordeaux Wines  --  Bordeaux Primer)

1817 Joseph A. Campbell was born (died March 27, 1900).  A fruit merchant, in 1869 he partnered with icebox maker Abraham Anderson to form a canning company that would become Campbell Soup Company.
(Campbell Soup Trivia & Facts)

1862 The U.S. Bureau of Agriculture was established.  It became the USDA (Department of Agriculture) in 1889.

1882 Cadwallader C. Washburn died (born April 22, 1818). In 1866 he built a flour mill at St. Anthony Falls, Minnesota and his Washburn-Crosby Co. (forerunner of General Mills) would market Gold Medal flour.

1923 Listerine was registered as a trademark.

1930 Ellen Church, a registered nurse, became the world’s first airline stewardess.  The 11 passengers were flying on a United Airlines tri-motor Boeing 80A from San Francisco to Cheyenne, Wyoming.  The meal was chicken, fruit salad and rolls.

1940 Nationwide sales of Nylon stockings begin. (see also Oct 24, 1939)

1942 World War II Gasoline rationing began in eastern U.S. states. Nationwide gas rationing began in December.

1989 Hershey's reduces the size of the Hershey bar to 1.55 ounces.  The price remains 40 cents.

1991 The famous Paris cooking school, L'Ecole de Cordon Bleu, opens a branch in Tokyo, Japan.

2007 Karen Hess, culinary historian, died.  Some of her books were 'The Taste of America' (1977) and 'Carolina Rice Kitchen: The African Connection' (1992).  She also annotated Mary Randolph's 'Virginia Housewife' (1983).

2019 The Philippines recalled its ambassador to Canada in an escalating dispute after Ottawa failed to reclaim mislabeled garbage shipped to Manila about six years ago.  More than 100 containers arrived in the Port of Manila between 2013-2014 supposedly containing recyclable plastic, but actually contained nonrecyclable plastic, and household garbage.

2020 Coronavirus: U.S. Coronavirus cases more than 1,457,590 with over 86,910 deaths;  Global cases more than 4,525,100 with over 303,350 deaths.

2021 U.S. Coronavirus cases more than 33,664,000 with over 599,000 deaths;  Global cases more than 162,550,000 with over 3,371,000 deaths.

2022 U.S. Coronavirus deaths exceed 1 million.


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