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Today in Food HistorySEPTEMBER >  September 3



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Today in Food History

• National Welsh Rarebit Day (Welsh Rarebit Recipe)

• St. Gregory the Great, patron of educators, musicians and stone masons.

• National Waffle Week (Sept 1-7, 2024)
  (Waffle Recipes)

• UK: [Zero Waste Week] (Sept 2-6, 2024)

On this day in:

1752 This day did not exist in Great Britain, nor did the next 10 days. See September 2 for the explanation.

1783 Anna Maria Russell, 7th Duchess of Bedford was born (died July 3, 1857). Originator of British Afternoon Tea during the late 1830s. []

1875 Ferdinand Porsche was born. He was an Austrian engineer who designed the VW Beetle in 1935.

1881 Lorenzo Delmonico, famed restaurateur died. Born 1813 in Marengo, Switzerland. In 1831 he joined his uncles in their catering and pastry shop in New York. He transformed the business into one of the most famous restaurants in the country. (Delmonico’s Trivia & Facts)

1912 The first cannery opened in England. It was to supply food to the Royal Navy. (History of Canned Food)

1960 Wilbur Hardee opened the first Hardee's restaurant in Greenville, North Carolina. It had no tables, and only a few items on the menu, but the drive-thru restaurant was an immediate success. The main attraction was a 15-cent fresh-ground, lean beef burger made to order on a custom-built charcoal broiler.

1964 'The House Of The Rising Sun' by the Animals is #1 on the charts.

1966 The last episode of the TV show 'The Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet' airs.

1967 Sweden switches from driving on the left side of the road to driving on the right.

1970 Alan Wilson of the music group 'Canned Heat' died.

1970 Record Hailstone falls in Coffeyville, Minnesota. It weighed 1 2/3 pounds and measured 17 1/2 inches in circumference.

1991 A fire destroyed the Imperial Food Products chicken processing plant in Hamlet, North Carolina. The fire killed 25 people and injured 54, many of whom were unable to escape due to locked exits.

2004 'The Cookout,' a movie about an out of control backyard barbecue opened in U.S. theatres.

2012 The Black Bear Casino Resort in Carlton, Minnesota created a record breaking Bacon Cheeseburger weighing in at 2,014 pounds.  At 10 feet in diameter, the burger was topped with 60 lbs of bacon, 40 lbs of cheese, 50 lbs of sliced onions, 50 lbs of lettuce and 40 lbs of pickles. (100 Hamburger Variations)

2018 Italy's Florence bans people from pausing in the historic center to eat food on sidewalks, roadways and on the doorsteps of shops and houses. The restrictions are aimed at reducing litter and keeping streets clear of the crowds that form around eateries, making the narrow streets hard to navigate.



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