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2016 JUNE 2016
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Check previous year if not listed in current year: the event’s website may have recent update


June 3-4, 2016
Bourbon City BBQ Festival
Bardstown, Kentucky

June 3-4, 2016
Gold Wings and Ribs Fest
Pomeroy, Ohio

June 4, 2016  5th Annual Sour+Wild+Funk Fest
Carmel, Indiana

June 4, 2016  Annual SWINE Festival 2016 - Ankeny, Iowa

June 6, 2016  Annual Sasquatch Brewfest - Eugene, Oregon
The 2016 Sasquatch Brew Fest is CANCELED.

June 10-11, 2016  Fire on the Frontier BBQ Classic - Hays, Kansas

June 10-12, 2016  Coffee Fest Dallas - Dallas, Texas

June 11, 2016  Santa Barbara Craft Brew Circus and Food Extravaganza
Santa Barbara, California

June 11, 2016  Great Divide 22nd Anniversary Party - Denver, Colorado

June 11, 2016  3rd Annual Appalachian Wine & Jazz Festival
Hiawassee, Georgia

June 11, 2016  Among the Stars Celebration - StarView Vineyards, Ill.

June 11, 2016  8th Annual Wine & Cheese Tasting - Union, New Jersey

June 12-13, 2016  Smokin' on the River BBQ, Blues & Brew Festival
Jeffersonville, Indiana
At this time due to budget cuts with the City of Jeffersonville Indiana, there will not be Smokin' On The River 2016.

June 12-13, 2016  Granville Art Affair & Wine Festival
Granville, Ohio
CANCELLED. Granville Art Affair & Wine Festival Not Retuning To Bryn Du Mansion In 2016

June 12-14, 2016  Snowmass Mammoth Fest - Colorado
Festival CANCELED for 2016.

June 16, 2016  Celebrity Chef Tour - Woodinville, Washington

June 16-17, 2016  Houghton Rotary Seafood Fest - Houghton, Michigan

June 17-18, 2016  Beer, Brats & Bluegrass Festival
Evanston, Wyoming


June 18, 2016  Sour, Berliner Weisse, and Lambic Festival
Pinellas Park, Florida

June 18, 2016  Annual Meatloaf Cook-Off & Festival - Paxico, Kansas

June 18-19, 2016  4th Annual Downtown San Mateo SummerFest
San Mateo, California

June 20, 2016  5th Annual Spirits of New York Event - New York, NY

June 21, 2016  10th Annual Taste of Seguin - Seguin, Texas

June 22-23, 2016  Hay & Forage Expo - Boone, Iowa

June 23, 2016  Project Smoke - Mayetta, Kansas

June 24, 2016  Vino and Pasta - Fredericksburg, Texas

June 24-25, 2016  Smokin' on the Pecos - Artesia, New Mexico

June 24-25, 2016  Bay View Winefest - Milwaukee, Wisconsin
The 2016 Bay View Wine Fest is now officially cancelled for this year.

June 25, 2016  Flagstaff Wine & Food Festival - Flagstaff, Arizona

June 25, 2016  Orange County Craft Brew Circus & Food Extravaganza
Dana Point, California

June 25, 2016  Blueberry Festival - Camden, Delaware

June 25-26, 2016  Cajun & Blues Festival - Lodi, California

June 25-26, 2016  33rd Annual San Anselmo Art & Wine Festival
San Anselmo, California

June 26, 2016  Meadlennium - Orlando, Florida


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