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“But not one word said the hard-boiled egg,
The hard-boiled egg,
The hard-boiled egg,
And what a silly insect the wasp to beg
For you can't get any sense out of a hard-boiled egg!”

Dan Leno [George Galvin] Victorian music-hall comedian.


“Don't talk to me about taverns! There is just one genuine, clean, decent, palatable thing occasionally to be had in them - namely a boiled egg.”

Oliver Wendell Holmes, 'Life and Letters' (1867)


“It was a nice breakfast - two hard boiled eggs, a piece of Danish, and a Coca-Cola spiked with gin.”

John Cheever, 'The Chimera' (1951)


“When you feel like eating boiled eggs, if you have some truffles in the house, put them in a basket with the eggs and the next day you will have the best boiled eggs you have ever tasted in your gastronomic life.”

M. Des Ombiaux



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