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“One whiff of a savory aromatic soup and appetites come to attention. The steaming fragrance of a tempting soup is a prelude to the goodness to come. An inspired soup puts family and guests in a receptive mood for enjoying the rest of the menu.”
Louis P. De Gouy, ‘The Soup Book’ (1949)
“We all have hometown appetites. Every other person is a bundle of longing for the simplicities of good taste once enjoyed on the farm or in the hometown left behind.”
Clementine Paddleford
Charles Wysocki's ‘Americana Cookbook’
“Good soup is one of the prime ingredients of good living. For soup can do more to lift the spirits and stimulate the appetite than any other one dish.”
Louis P. De Gouy,’ The Soup Book’ (1949)
“Stop short of your appetite; eat less than you are able.”
Ovid (43 BC-17 AD)
“The appetite is sharpened by the first bites.”
Jose Rizal (1861-1896)
"Seating themselves on the greensward, they eat while the corks fly and there is talk, laughter and merriment, and perfect freedom, for the universe is their drawing room and the sun their lamp. Besides, they have appetite, Nature's special gift, which lends to such a meal a vivacity unknown indoors, however beautiful the surroundings."
Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin
"My fare is really sumptuous this evening; buffaloe's humps, tongues and marrowbones, fine trout parched meal pepper and salt, and a good appetite; the last is not considered the least of the luxuries."
‘Journals of Lewis and Clark’
Thursday, June 13, 1805
"Never eat more than you can lift."
Miss Piggy (American Puppet)
"We all have hometown appetites. Every other person is a bundle of longing for the simplicities of good taste once enjoyed on the farm or in the hometown left behind."
Clementine Paddleford
"There is nothing like a morning funeral for sharpening the appetite for lunch."
Arthur Marshall
"The appetites of the stomach and the palate, far from diminishing as men grow older, go on increasing."
Cicero, Roman statesman (106-43. B.C.)
"Appetite comes with eating.....but thirst goes away with drinking."
Francois Rabelais, French writer (1494?-1553)
"Appetite, a universal wolf."
"If thou rise with an Appetite, thou art sure never to sit down without one."
William Penn (1644-1718)
"In the light of what Proust wrote with so mild a stimulus, it is the world's loss that he did not have a heartier appetite. On a dozen Gardiner's Island oysters, a bowl of clam chowder, a peck of steamers, some bay scallops, three sautéed soft-shelled crabs, a few ears of fresh picked corn, a thin swordfish steak of generous area, a pair of lobsters, and a Long Island Duck, he might have written a masterpiece."
A.J. Liebling
"Don't let love interfere with your appetite. It never does with mine."
Anthony Trollope, English novelist (1815-1882)
“When thou sittest to eat with a ruler, consider diligently what is before thee: And put a knife to thy throat, if thou be a man given to appetite.”
Bible, Proverbs (c 23, v. 1-2)
“And through the hall there walked to and fro
A jolly yeoman, marshall of the same,
Whose name was Appetite; he did bestow
Both guestes and meate, whenever in they came,
And knew them how to order without blame.”
Edmund Spenser, English poet (1552?-1599)
'Faerie Queene'
“Keen appetite And quick digestion wait on you and yours.”
John Dryden (1631-1700)
‘Cleomene’s (act IV, sc. 1)
“Govern well thy appetite, lest Sin
Surprise thee, and her black attendant Death.”
John Milton, (1608-1674) 'Paradise Lost'
““Who riseth from a feast
With that keen appetite that he sits down?”
William Shakespeare (1564-1616)
'Merchant of Venice'
“But doth not the appetite alter?
A man loves the meat in his youth that he cannot endure in his age.”
William Shakespeare (1564-1616)
'Much Ado About Nothing'
“The sweetest honey
Is loathsome in his own deliciousness
And in the taste confounds the appetite.”
William Shakespeare (1564-1616)
‘Romeo and Juliet’
“A human can be healthy without killing animals for food. Therefore if he eats meat he participates in taking animal life merely for the sake of his appetite.”
Leo Nikolaevich Tolstoy
Russian author (1828-1910)
“All things require skill but an appetite.”
George Herbert, English poet (1593-1633)
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