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Candy Store Quotes

"I would stand transfixed before the windows of the confectioners' shops, fascinated by the luminous sparkle of candied fruits, the cloudy lustre of jellies, the kaleidoscope inflorescence of acidulated fruitdrops -- red, green, orange, violet: I coveted the colours themselves as much as the pleasure they promised me."

Simone de Beauvoir (1908-1986)
French Existentialist, writer


“Ten years ago taffy cut up into various shapes, and variously flavored, was the favorite. Then gum drops couldn't be made fast enough to meet the call.  Dealers began putting brandy and cordials into them, and with that the demand fell off, and the gum drop furore was killed.  At one time New York women would scarcely eat any confectionery but cream-stuffed dates.  Then fig paste had a run of about two years.  Chocolate creams and chocolate caramels have had a long run, and promise to have an enduring demand, but new fashions may start up at any time.”
anonymous, ‘The Candy Maker’



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