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“All you have to do is hold the chicken, bring me the toast, give me a check for the chicken salad sandwich and you haven't broken any rules.”
Jack Nicholson in 'Five Easy Pieces' (1970)
“Regard it as just as desirable to build a chicken house as to build a cathedral.”
Frank Lloyd Wright, American architect. (1867-1959)
“Stupidity is the devil. Look in the eye of a chicken and you'll know. It's the most horrifying, cannibalistic, and nightmarish creature in this world.”
Werner Herzog, German film producer, director. (1942- )
"We didn't starve, but we didn't eat chicken unless we were sick, or the chicken was."
Bernard Malamud (1914-1986)
"If God grants me longer life, I will see to it that no peasant in my kingdom will lack the means to have a chicken in the pot every Sunday."
Henri IV of France, in a conversation with the Duke of Savoy
“Young children and chickens would ever be eating.”
Thomas Tusser, English author (1524-1580)
'Points of Huswifery'
“A cook she certainly was, in the very bone and centre of her soul. Not a chicken or turkey or duck in the bary-yard but looked grave when they saw her approaching, and seemed evidently to be reflecting on their latter end; and certain it was that she was always meditating on trussing, stuffing and roasting, to a degree that was calculated to inspire terror in any reflecting fowl living.”
A description of Aunt Chloe in 'Uncle Tom's Cabin' by Harriet Beecher Stowe (1852)
“Do not be afraid of simplicity. If you have a cold chicken for supper, why cover it with a tasteless white sauce which makes it look like a pretentious dish on the buffet table at some fancy dress ball?”
Marcel Boulestin, chef, food writer (1878-1943)
‘Simple French Cooking for English Homes’ (1923)
“One evening [in 1759], the marshal of Luxembourg had invited a large number of illustrious guests to his château [Chateau de Montmorency]. Occupying a place of honor on the menu saw a fricassee of chicken in white sauce. When it was time to sit down at table, a messenger arrived: the marshal was summoned without delay to the king's Council. The marshal gave orders that his absence should not delay the serving of the food, and he left. Returning late, and desiring only one dish, he was served with the cold chicken fricassee, congealed in the ivory-colored sauce. He found this food succulent, and a few days later expressed a wish to have it served again. Presented under the name of 'refroidi' (cooled), this term displeased the marshal, who insisted on the name of chaud-froid.”
Phileas Gilbert
“Under cover of the clinking of water goblets and silverware and bone china, I paved my plate with chicken slices. Then I covered the chicken slices with caviar thickly as if I were spreading peanut butter on a piece of bread. Then I picked up the chicken slices in my fingers one by one, rolled them so the caviar wouldn't ooze off and ate them.”
Sylvia Plath, American poet (1932-1963)
“That fellow Béchameil has all the luck! I was serving breast of chicken á la crème more than 20 years before he was born, but I have never had the chance of giving my name to even the most modest sauce.”
Duke of Escars, 17th century
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