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Over 4,600 Quotes About Food, Beverages, Agriculture and the Pleasures of the Table
“Fig Newton: The force required to accelerate a fig 39.37 inches per second.”
Johnny Hart, cartoonist (1931-2007)
"Shape is a good part of the fig's delight."
Jane Grigson
“Figs are restorative, and the best food that can be taken by those who are brought low by long sickness...professed wrestlers and champions were in times past fed with figs.”
Pliny, Roman naturalist (A.D. 23-79)
"There was an Old Person of Ischia,
Whose conduct grew friskier and friskier;
He danced hornpipes and jigs,
and ate thousands of figs,
That lively Old Person of Ischia."
Edward Lear, English artist, writer; known for his 'literary nonsense' & limericks (1812-1888)
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