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Food Basics Quotes

"Food was important, though:  food for a long winter, one that would follow a bad crop, one in which everything we ate would come from the garden.  There was nothing unusual about this, except that there wouldn't be a spare dime to buy anything but flour, sugar, and coffee.  A good crop meant that there was a little money tucked away under a mattress, a few bills rolled up and saved and sometimes used for luxuries like Coca-Cola's, ice cream, saltines and white bread.  A bad crop meant that if we didn't grow it, we didn't eat it."
John Grisham, ‘A Painted House’


“When we decode a cookbook, every one of us is a practicing chemist. Cooking is really the oldest, most basic application of physical and chemical forces to natural materials.”
Arthur E. Grosser (Professor of Chemistry at McGill University) ‘The New York Times’, May 29, 1984


“My mother was a good recreational cook, but what she basically believed about cooking was that if you worked hard and prospered, someone else would do it for you.”
Nora Ephron


“Food...can look beautiful, taste exquisite, smell wonderful, make people feel good, bring them together, inspire romantic feelings....At its most basic, it is fuel for a hungry machine;....”
Rosamond Richardson, English cookery author


“Food is all those substances which, submitted to the action of the stomach, can be assimilated or changed into life by digestion, and can thus repair the losses which the human body suffers through the act of living.”
Jean-Antheleme Brillat-Savarin (1755-1826)
‘The Physiology of Taste’ (1825)



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