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“Eating in Germany is easy, because there is basically only one kind of food, called the 'wurst.'”
Dave Barry
'Dave Barry's Only Travel Guide you'll Ever Need' (1991)
“You can tell when you have crossed the frontier into Germany because of the badness of the coffee.”
Edward VII (1841-1910)
“We are fighting Germany, Austria and drink, and as far as I can see, the greatest of these three deadly foes is drink.”
David Lloyd George (1863-1945) British politician
“....there are more different sausages in Germany than there are breakfast foods in America, and if there is a bad one among them then I have never heard of it. The run in size from little fellow so small and pale and fragile that it seems a crime to eat them to vast and formidable pieces that look like shells for heavy artillery. And they run in flavor from the most delicate to the most raucous, and in texture from that of feathers caught in a cobweb to that of linoleum, and in shape from straight cylinders to lovely kinks and curlycues.”
H.L. Mencken (1880-1956)
"I am the emperor of Germany, but you are the emperor of chefs."
Emperor William II of Germany speaking to Georges-Auguste Escoffier
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