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Strawberry Food Quotes

The strawberry: "Doubtless God could have made a better berry, but doubtless God never did."
Dr William Butler, 17th century English writer


The strawberry "is the wonder of all the Fruits growing naturally in those parts...In some parts where the Natives have planted, I have many times seen as many as would fill a good ship, within a few miles compasse."
Roger Williams, founder of Providence in 1636
'Key into the Language of America'


“Even the coeur flottant merveilleux aux fraises, presented with a great flourish, made little impression, for it was no more than what may happen to the simple, honest dish of strawberries and cream once it falls into the hands of a Frenchman.”
Dr. Watson in 'Sherlock Holmes and the Hapsburg Tiara' by Alan Vanneman (2004)


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