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Over 4,600 Quotes About Food, Beverages, Agriculture and the Pleasures of the Table
“We had for Dinner a Calf's Head, boiled Fowl and tongue, a Saddle of Mutton Roasted on the Side Table, and a fine Swan roasted with Currant Jelly Sauce for the first Course. The second Course a couple of Wild Fowl called Dun Fowls, Larks, Blancmange, Tarts etc. etc. and a good Dessert of Fruit after amongst which was a Damson Cheese. I never eat a bit of Swan before, and I think it good eating with sweet sauce. The Swan was killed three weeks before it was eat and yet not the least bad taste in it.”
James Woodforde
(18th century English country parson)
‘Diary of a Country Parson’, January 28th 1780
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