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Truffle Food Quotes

“I have wept three times in my life. Once when my first opera failed. Once again, the first time I heard Paganini play the violin. And once when a truffled turkey fell overboard at a boating picnic.”
Gioachino Rossini, Italian composer (1792-1868)


“To tell the story of the truffle is to tell the history of world civilisation.”
Alexandre Dumas (1802-1870)


“Truffle is the food for kings, gods and pigs.”
Antonio Carluccio, Italian chef and restaurateur


“We don't care to eat toadstools that think they are truffles.”
Mark Twain (1835-1910)


"The most learned men have been questioned as to the nature of this tuber, and after two thousand years of argument and discussion their answer is the same as it was on the first day: we do not know. The truffles themselves have been interrogated, and have answered simply: eat us and praise the Lord."
Alexandre Dumas (1802-1870)


"They can, on certain occasions, make women more tender and men more lovable."
Referring to truffles: Alexandre Dumas (1802-1870)


"You pay its weight in gold for it, then in most cases you put it to some paltry use. You smear it with foie gras, you bury it in poultry overloaded with fat, you chop it up and drown it in brown sauce, you mix it with vegetables covered in mayonnaise.....To hell with thin slices, strips, trimmings, and peelings of truffles! Is it not possible to like them for themselves?."
Colette (Sidonie Gabrielle) (1873-1954)
French novelist.


When asked by a social-climbing Paris hostess how he liked his truffles, Curnonsky replied,
"In great quantity, madame. In great quantity."
Curnonsky (Maurice Edmond Sailland)
French writer (1872-1956)


"Truffles are only really good after Christmas.....So let us allow ignorant fops, beardless gourmands, and inexperienced palates the perry triumph of eating the first truffles."
Grimod de La Reynière


"There are two types of people who eat truffles: those who think truffles are good because they are dear and those who know they are dear because they are good."
J.L. Vaudoyer


"Whosoever says truffle, utters a grand word, which awakens erotic and gastronomic ideas...."
Jean-Anthelme Brillat-Savarin (1755-1826)
preface to ‘The Physiology of Taste’ (1825)


"Here we supped . . ., having amongst other dainties, a dish of truffles, an earth nut found by an hogg trained to it."
John Evelyn, British diarist. (1644)


"When you feel like eating boiled eggs, if you have some truffles in the house, put them in a basket with the eggs and the next day you will have the best boiled eggs you have ever tasted in your gastronomic life."
M. Des Ombiaux


"Since, during storms, flames leap from the humid vapors and dark clouds emit deafening noises, is it surprising the lightning, when it strikes the ground, gives rise to truffles, which do not resemble plants?"


“Presently, we were aware of an odour gradually coming towards us, something musky, fiery, savoury, mysterious, -- a hot drowsy smell, that lulls the senses, and yet enflames them, -- the truffles were coming.”
William Makepeace Thackeray (1811-1863)


“Truffles - anyone who does not declare himself ready to leave Paradise or Hell for such a treat is not worthy to be born again.”
Maurice Goudeket, 'Close to Colette’ (1955)


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