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Over 4,600 Quotes About Food, Beverages, Agriculture and the Pleasures of the Table
“Ever since Eve started it all by offering Adam the apple, woman’s punishment has been to supply a man with food then suffer the consequences when it disagrees with him.”
Helen Rowland, English-American writer (1876-1950)
“...steam was generated beyond the power of the canister to endure. As a natural consequence, the canister burst, the dead turkey sprang from his coffin of tinplate and killed the cook forthwith.”
1852 news report of an early canning industry accident
“Another peculiarity of this country is the absence of napkins, even in the homes of the wealthy. Napkins, as a rule, are never used and one has to wipe one's mouth on the tablecloth, which in consequence suffers in appearance.”
Baron Louis de Closen on dining in America (1780)
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