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Appetizer RecipesSeafood Appetizers pg 2 >  Smelt, Pickled Smelt


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Serves 4 to 6


    • 2 pounds cleaned smelt
    • 3 cups water
    • 1 tsp. salt
    • 1/4 tsp. white pepper
    • 2 bay leaves
    • 1 cup onion, sliced
    • 3 cups white vinegar*


Cook fish in water, salt, pepper and bay leaves and onion in a covered pan for 12 minutes.

Drain and measure fish stock; you will need about 2 cups.

Add the vinegar to the stock and bring to a boil.

Cook 5 minutes and cool in refrigerator at 40 F or lower.

Pour over fish, let stand in refrigerator for several hours.

    *If the taste of vinegar is too strong, offset it by adding 1/4 to 1/2 cup sugar.

North Dakota State University Extension Service



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