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Farmers' markets are growing in popularity. When visiting one, make two passes among the vendors. During the first walk-through look, note, taste, menu-plan and ask questions. Then reverse your route for the second pass. This is when you should make your purchases, AFTER you've surveyed the entire field, tasted the competitors, planned your menus and priced your options.
Arrive early for the best selections. Shop during the last 30 minutes for the best values, when vendors are anxious to close shop and return with an empty truck.
If you choose to bargain or question posted prices, do it in a polite way. Use questions like, "What are you asking for your [name food]?" Respond to the answer with something like, "What will you take for the remainder of the lug?" or "How much if I take one pound of each?"
Sent in by David S.
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