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1 pound apple sauce = 2 cups

Canned Unsweetened Applesauce can be processed with added organic acids (such as erythorbic) to prevent oxidation (browning) if the packer so desires - the label will state if it has been added.

Unsweetened applesauce is packed in a No. 300 can, which is about two cups, or four ½-cup servings.


    • Store unopened cans in a cool, dry place off the floor.

    • Store opened applesauce in a covered container and refrigerate. Use within 5-7 days.

Uses and Tips

    • Unsweetened applesauce can be served at room temperature, or chilled, as a simple lowfat dessert, or used as an ingredient in recipes. Sprinkle with ground cinnamon, if desired.

    • Applesauce is a great fat substitute for lowfat baking. Simply substitute half of the fat in a recipe with an equal measure of applesauce.

    • Applesauce makes a wonderful addition to raspberry gelatin for a nutritious dessert.

Nutritional Information

    • Applesauce is a source of fiber, providing nearly 1 1/2 grams per half-cup serving.

    • It is low in sodium; it also contains no fat, saturated fat, or cholesterol.

    • 1/2 cup of applesauce provides 1 serving from The Fruit Group of the Food Guide Pyramid.

Nutrition Facts
Serving size ½ cup (122g) applesauce
Amount Per Serving and % Daily Value*

    Calories 52
    Fat Cal 0
    Total Fat 0 0%
    Saturated Fat 0g 0%
    Cholesterol 0mg 0%
    Sodium 2mg 0%
    Total Carbohydrate 13g 4%
    Dietary Fiber 1g 4%
    Sugars 10g
    Protein 0g
    Vitamin A 0%
    Vitamin C 2%
    Calcium 0%
    Iron 1%

*Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet.
Food & Nutrition Service, USDA



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