=> Website News => IMPORTANT NOTICE******* => Quotes and Trivia => A SHORT SUBSCRIBERS SURVEY***** => Food Trivia Quiz => Readers questions => Ancient & Classic Recipes => This Weeks Calendar => Did you know? => Subscribe/Unsubscribe information => General information and Copyright
============================================= ============== WEBSITE NEWS ============================================= ============== CHECK THE WEBSITE DAILY - I have added a lot of new Trivia, Quotes and Tips and expanded others; added new Who's Who entries; added more than 35 new recipes and several new Articles.
During November, Food Reference Website received a record 200,000 unique visitors!
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IMPORTANT NOTICE****** The servers that the Food Reference Website is stored on are being moved to the Atlanta Sprint Data Center which is directly connected to the Sprint Internet Backbone. This will mean less down time and better security and more reliability. DURING THE MOVE, YOU WILL BE ABLE TO ACCESS THE WEBSITE, BUT I WILL NOT BE ABLE TO UPDATE THE WEBSITE ON THE MOVE DAYS, DECEMBER 6 AND POSSIBLY DECEMBER 7.
============================================= ============== QUOTE ============================================= ============== "Drinking is in reality an occupation which employs a considerable portion of the time of many people; and to conduct it in the most rational and agreeable manner is one of the great arts of living." James Boswell (1740-1795)
============================================= ============== TRIVIA ============================================= ============== According to the Guinness book of World Records, the longest word ever to occur in a literary work has to do with a fricassee, with 17 sweet and sour ingredients, including brains, honey vinegar, fish, pickles, and ouzo. The word appears in The Ecclesiazusae, a satirical comedy by Aristophanes (443-388? BC), an Athenian playwright. In Greek, the word is 170 letters, transliterated into English it is 182 letters. Lopadotemachoselachogaleokranioleipsanodrimhypotrimmatosilphiopar aomelitokatakechymenokichlepikossyphophattoperisteralektryonopteke phalliokigklopeleiolagoiosiraiobaphetraganopterygon.
============================================= ============== A SPECIAL NEW ADVERTISER I HIGHLY RECOMMEND ============================================= ============== FARM MARKETS Enjoy the best possible premium natural meats, only available through FarmMarkets. Raised slowly and naturally by selected family farms, our meats are unique by their taste and flavors! You will love them. Our other products too. Premium American lamb; dry-aged natural beef; natural pork; all are raised on the green pastures of Ohio and Northern Appalachia, and they all deserve the Gourmet label.
============================================= ============== A SHORT SUBSCRIBER SURVEY ============================================= ============== I am asking all subscribers to take this opportunity to email me with any comments you may have about the newsletter. Please copy the following questions into an email and send it to me with your answers. ( )
1) What are you favorite features in the newsletter? 2) What features are your least favorites? 3) What would you like to see more of? 4) Are there any new features you would like me to add? 5) Is the newsletter too long, too short or just right? 6) What day of the week would you prefer to receive the newsletter? 7) Any other comments you may have:
============================================= ============== FOOD TRIVIA QUIZ ============================================= ============== The Food Trivia Quizzes are now moved to their own separate section after the newsletter is e-mailed. Check the Navigation Bar at the top of the page.
============================================= ============== CHRISTMAS STUFF ============================================= ============== Food Art and Posters make excellent Christmas Gifts!
Books Recommended by Chef James also make excellent gifts!
============================================= ============== READERS QUESTIONS ============================================= ============== QUESTION: What does crème fraiche mean in English?? I'm trying to follow French recipe. Sid ANSWER: Crème fraiche is fresh heavy cream that has been made sour by the addition of lactic acid bacteria. Unlike our sour cream, crème fraiche will not curdle when added to hot dishes. (it has a 30% butterfat content) If you can't find any at local markets, you can make your own at home by taking 2 cups fresh heavy cream and adding 1 tablespoon of cultured buttermilk, cultured yogurt or cultured sour cream. (Be sure you use a 'cultured' product - they contain live lactic acid bacteria). Leave the cream in a partially covered plastic container at 85 degrees for 12 to 24 hours - a high shelf in the kitchen or on top of the refrigerator is a good place that is usually warm enough. When the cream thickens after at least 12 hours, cover and keep refrigerated. It will keep for several weeks. To make more, use a tablespoon of the first batch to begin the next batch.
============================================= ============== TRIVIA ============================================= ============== PICKLE LOVERS: Thomas Jefferson, Roman Emperor Tiberius, Aristotle, Cleopatra, Julius Caesar, Christopher Columbus, Queen Elizabeth, Napoleon, Samuel Pepy, Amerigo Vespucci (he was a pickle merchant), George Washington, John Adams, and Dolly Madison.
============================================= ============== ANCIENT & CLASSIC RECIPES ============================================= ============== "The Settlement Cookbook" (1903 edition) THE WAY TO A MAN'S HEART Under the Auspices of "The Settlement" (The Milwaukee Settlement House)
Sift together two cups of sugar, four cups of flour, one tablespoon of cinnamon, half a teaspoonful of cloves, one teaspoonful and a half of baking powder, and add half a cup of citron, grated or chopped fine, the grated yellow rind of a lemon, and a liberal grating of nutmeg. Mix to a dough with four large eggs, beaten slightly, without separating the whites and yolks. With buttered hands shape the mixture into small balls about the size of a hickory nut, and bake on buttered tins, an inch apart. The recipe makes about six dozen cakes, having the size and appearance of macaroons.
============================================= ============== QUOTE ============================================= ============== "Cooking should be a carefully balanced reflection of all the good things of the earth." Jean & Pierre Troisgros
============================================= ============== TRIVIA ============================================= ============== Ewes' (sheep's) milk contains more than twice the fat as cow's milk (8 1/2 % for ewes' milk and 4% for cow's milk). This is one of the reasons that it makes excellent cheese.
============================================= ============== THIS WEEKS CALENDAR ============================================= ============== (Check the website daily for additional calendar entries) DECEMBER 6 1945 The microwave oven was patented.
DECEMBER 7 National Cotton Candy Day Feast of St. Ambrose of Milan, patron of beekeepers.
DECEMBER 8 1896 J.T. White was issued a patent for an improved lemon squeezer.
DECEMBER 9 1886 Clarence Birdseye was born in Brooklyn, New York. In 1924, Clarence Birdseye, with the financial backing of Wetmore Hodges, William Gamage, Basset Jones, I.L. Rice and J.J. Barry, organized the General Seafood Corporation. The birth of the frozen food industry.
DECEMBER 10 National Lager Day
DECEMBER 11 1874 James Lewis Kraft was born. Founder of Kraft Co. a wholesale cheese distributor and producer. In 1916 he patented pasteurized process cheese, a low cost cheese that would not spoil. Not a great hit with the public, but the U.S. army purchased over 6 million tins of it during WW I. During the depression, it became popular because of its low cost.
DECEMBER 12 1967 The movie 'Guess Who's Coming to Dinner' premiered, starring Spencer Tracy, Sidney Poitier and Katharine Hepburn.
============================================= ============== SOFTWARE FROM THE FOOD REFERENCE WEBSITE ============================================= ============== The Food Reference CULINARY CALENDAR CD contains over 2,000 food dates and events listings. Use year after year, an excellent reference for students, teachers, writers and chefs. CLICK THIS LINK FOR ORDERING INFORMATION
============================================= ============== DID YOU KNOW? ============================================= ============== Fettuccine Alfredo was created during the 1920s by restaurateur Alfredo, at his restaurant in Rome, 'Alfredo all'Augusteo'. The original consisted of butter, cream, fresh ground black pepper and Parmesan cheese.
============================================= ============== TRIVIA ============================================= ============== Eggnog has been around for a long time. Captain John Smith reported that eggnog was consumed in 1607 in Jamestown, Virginia.
============================================= ============== QUOTE ============================================= ============== "An honest laborious Country-man, with good Bread, Salt and a little Parsley, will make a contented Meal with a roasted Onion. John Evelyn (1620-1706)
============================================= ============== LIST MAINTENANCE ============================================= ============== To SUBSCRIBE send a blank email to To UNSUBSCRIBE send a blank email to ============================================= ============== Food Reference Newsletter ISSN 1535-5659 James T. Ehler (Publisher & Editor) 3920 S. Roosevelt Blvd Suite 209 South Key West, Florida 33040 E-mail: Phone: (305) 296-2614 Food Reference WebSite: ============================================= ============== © Copyright 1995-2002 James T. Ehler. All rights reserved. You may copy and use portions of this newsletter for noncommercial, personal use only. you may forward a copy to someone else as long as the Copyright notice is included. Any other use of the materials in this newsletter without prior written permission is prohibited.