THE FOOD REFERENCE NEWSLETTER Food History, Trivia, Quotes, Humor, Poetry, Recipes March 6, 2002 Vol 3 #8 ISSN 1535-5659 James T. Ehler, Editor, By subscription only! You are receiving this newsletter because you requested a subscription. Unsubscribe instructions are at the end of this newsletter. IN THIS ISSUE
=> Website News => Quotes and Trivia => Ancient & Classic Recipes => Food Trivia Question: What Am I? => Did you know? => Who's Who in the Culinary Arts => Requested Recipes => Answer to Food Trivia Question => NEW WEBSITE MEMBERSHIP NEWS => Subscribe/Unsubscribe information
====================== WEBSITE NEWS CHECK THE WEBSITE DAILY - I am posting a new FOOD QUIZ question each day on the website, along with a Daily Culinary Quote, Daily Trivia and other interesting food items. SEE END OF NEWSLETTER FOR NEW WEBSITE MEMBERSHIP NEWS
====================== QUOTE "Vegetarianism is harmless enough, though it is apt to fill a man with wind and self-righteousness." Sir Robert Hutchinson
====================== TRIVIA The Apee is a soft, sour cream based sugar cookie which was named for its creator, the famous 19th century Philadelphia cook, Ann Page.
====================== FOOD TRIVIA QUIZ The Food Trivia Quizzes are now moved to their own separate section after the newsletter is e-mailed. Check the Navigation Bar at the top of the page.
====================== QUOTE "How should melon be eaten? Not with a spoon, as is usual in restaurants.....The back of the spoon anaesthetizes the taste buds! In this way, it loses half of its flavor. Melon should be eaten with a fork." From article 'Propos de table' by J. De Coquet in June 1982 'Figaro'
====================== TRIVIA Avocados are about 22% fat, with the average medium size avocado containing 300 calories and 30 grams of fat.
====================== ANCIENT & CLASSIC RECIPES
GALLIMAUFRY (galimafrée). Taillevent, 'Le Viandier' "Take a leg of mutton freshly cooked, and chop it as finely as possible in a dish of onions. Stew these ingredients with a little verjuice, butter, and ground white ginger mixed together and seasoned with salt."
====================== QUOTE "Give an Irishman lager for a month, and he's a dead man. An Irishman is lined with copper, and the beer corrodes it. But whiskey polishes the copper and is the saving of him." Mark Twain (Samuel Langhorne Clemens) 'Life on the Mississippi' (1835-1910)
====================== TRIVIA Developed by Rudolph Boysen in the early 1930s, the boysenberry is a cross between a loganberry, red raspberry and blackberry.
====================== Don’t for get to check David Jenkins, he features some of my articles and recipes in addition to some GREAT content from chefs around the world.
====================== QUOTE "To make people who have no appetite eat, to make the wit of those who have it sparkle, to enable those who want these qualities to find them -- this is the supreme science of a gastronome-host." Lucien Tendret, great-nephew of Brillat-Savarin. (1825-1896)
====================== DID YOU KNOW? Powdered butter was developed in Australia in 1962.
====================== WHO'S WHO IN THE CULINARY ARTS Furuta Oribe (1544-July 6, 1615) His original name was Furuta Shigenari. He was a Japanese master of the tea ceremony who studied under Sen Riky. His ideas influenced the tea ceremony, teahouse architecture, tea-garden landscaping and even flower arrangement.
====================== RECIPE REQUESTS FROM READERS Do you have a recipe for soft chocolate chip cookies?
SOFT CHOCOLATE CHIP COOKIES ======================
Ingredients: ------------ 2 eggs 1/3 cup water 1/4 cup margarine or butter 1 cup peanut butter 1 pkg yellow cake mix (Duncan Hines works best) 1/2 - 1 pkg chocolate chips
Instructions: ------------- 350 degree oven
Beat eggs , water, margarine, peanut butter, and half cake mix till smooth. Stir in remaining mix and chips. Bake on ungreased cookie sheet 8-10 minutes. Cool on sheet 1 minute then remove. Approx. 3 dozen cookies
------------------------- Email your recipe requests, food info or history questions to me at ====================== QUOTE "I went on a diet, swore off drinking and heavy eating, and in 14 days I lost two weeks." Joe E. Lewis
====================== TRIVIA The carrot was brought to by colonists to the New World, where it escaped into the wild and became Queen Anne's Lace.
QUOTE "The Creator, by making man eat to live, invites him to do so with appetite and rewards him with pleasure." Jean-Antheleme Brillat-Savarin (1755-1826) Preface to "Physiologie du gout"
====================== PLEASE RATE OUR EZINE NEWSLETTER Please rate this Ezine at the Cumuli Ezine Finder <a href=""> AOL Users Click Here</a>
====================== TRIVIA There are more than 1,000 varieties of cherries in the United States, but fewer than 10 are produced commercially.
====================== A copy of this newsletter and previous newsletters is on the Food Reference WebSite at
====================== QUOTE "I believe that if ever I had to practice cannibalism, I might manage if there were enough tarragon around." James Beard (1903-1985)
====================== WEBSITE MEMBERSHIP NEWS Beginning May 1, 2002 I will be adding some NEW members only areas and features to the website and newsletter.
All those who have sent in subscription contributions will automatically become members for LIFE.
Nonmembers will have access to ALL the areas and pages currently on the website.
I will be adding NEW features to the website for members only. I will also be putting together some CDs of searchable quotes collections, food history dates, etc. that will be available at 1/2 price to members.
Answers to the DAILY QUIZ on the front page of the website will be a MEMBERS ONLY feature, as will the Answers to the Weekly Newsletter Quiz. Solutions to NEW crossword puzzles will also be members only.
The membership fee will be $10 per year. ALL EXISTING subscription contributors as of May 1, 2002 will automatically become members for life at no additional cost. So all subscribers have the opportunity to become LIFETIME members for only $7.80 until May 1, 2002.
The current VOLUNTARY Newsletter subscription is $7.80 per year. That's 15 cents per weekly issue. However, any amount is appreciated. I hope that you will consider the weekly Food Reference Newsletter and Website worth this cost. Click here to pay by credit card through PayPal:
Or mail check or money order in U.S. dollars to: (Please include your email address)
Chef James Ehler 3920 S. Roosevelt Blvd Suite 209 South Key West, FL 33040-5283
Thank you, Chef James ====================== TRIVIA California produces more than 2/3rds of the celery grown in the U.S. and Florida produces about 20%.
====================== List Maintenance: To SUBSCRIBE send a blank email to To UNSUBSCRIBE send a blank email to ====================== Food Reference Newsletter ISSN 1535-5659 James T. Ehler (webmaster, cook, chef, writer) 3920 S. Roosevelt Blvd Suite 209 South Key West, Florida 33040 E-mail: Phone: (305) 296-2614 Food Reference WebSite:
© 2000-2002 James T. Ehler, 2000-2002 All rights reserved.