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1) The banana split.
More Ice Cream Trivia

2) agar (agar-agar) (also called Japanese Isinglass, Bengal isinglass, and Japanese moss.
More Seaweed Trivia

3) Goldwasser or Danzig Goldwasser.

4) Dried currants are not the same thing as fresh currants. Dried currants are actually small raisins - the dried fruit of the Zante grape, originally from Corinth, Greece.  Fresh currants (red, pink, black and white) are the fruits of plants in the gooseberry family, genus Ribes.
More Currant Trivia

5) Good, ripe cranberries will bounce. Bounceberry is another name for them.
More Cranberry Trivia

6) It takes about 350 squirts for each gallon of milk from a cow.
More Milk Trivia

7) The "Flower of Kent" is a large green skinned apple variety, and is thought to have been the variety that struck Sir Isaac Newton.
More Apple Trivia



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