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1) Which state has the turkey as its state bird, and has the largest per acre population of wild turkeys?

2) In April, 2001, Italian astronaut Umberto Guidoni and Canadian Astronaut Chris Hadfield brought some luxury food items with them to the International Space Station.
Can you name these luxury foods?

3) What is the largest aquaculture ('fish farming') 'crop' in the United States?
a) Catfish
b) Crawfish
c) Salmon
d) Rainbow trout
e) Shrimp

4) One of the reasons the Pilgrims landed at Plymouth Rock in 1620, rather than sail further south to warmer climate was because their supplies were getting low.
They specifically mention one item, can you guess what it was?

5) The name of this specialty of Naples, Italy, actually means 'trousers' in Italian.
What is the name of this dish?

6) This product was invented around 1910 by Swiss chemist Jacques Brandenberger. It is derived from wood pulp, and various types are widely used for breads, meat, produce, etc. 
Name this product.

7) The gooseneck barnacle (a 'stalked' barnacle) has an edible foot, and is especially valued along the coasts of Portugal, Spain and Morocco. They are now being farm raised in several areas, including Washington State.
What is the relationship between this barnacle and geese?

8) Why should you be very careful about drinking grapefruit juice when taking many prescription medications?

9) Sole and flounder are two types of 'flatfish.'  Flatfish are born with eyes located as in other fish, but one eye migrates to the other side, so they end up with both eyes on the same side of their head. They swim with their body flat with the ocean floor, with both eyes 'on top.' 
What is the largest flatfish and how big can they get?

10) Why does skim milk have more calcium than regular milk?



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