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0) Bonus question: What do the following 10 questions have in common? Answer this before peeking at the answers.

1) This was originally a term referring to a preparation of vegetables (in aspic) layered in alternating colors in a mold, cooked in a bain marie, turned out and served hot. It takes it's name from the Carthusian order of monks (vegetarians) who probably created it. There is also a story (which has the ring of truth) that on days that meat was forbidden, it would be hidden in the center of the of this dish, enabling the monks to indulge themselves with the forbidden food. This same name is used for a liqueur created by these monks in the 16th century, with a secret formula containing more than 130 plants and herbs.
Can you name this dish & liqueur?

2) The record for spitting these is 72 feet 7 1/2 inches.
What are they?

3) What tree was located in Cambridge, Massachusetts, at the corner of Brattle and Story Streets, and was cut down to widen the streets in 1876?

4) The Chinese consume 40% of the world's supply of these, and their use in China dates back thousands of years. They use them roasted in hot sand, in simmered dishes and in soups.
What are they?

5) The fruit of this tree grows directly on the trunk and looks like a small melon. Inside, the pulp contains 20 to 50 seeds or 'beans'. It takes about 400 of these 'beans' to make a pound of finished product. ]
Name the tree and the finished product.

6) Name the herb variously described as: slightly soapy; like parsley but tangier; citrusy, biting tang; fragrant; zesty; muddy; a mixture of cumin and caraway; stinky bed bug flavor; smells and tastes of chemicals; pungent; unforgettably pungent; sharp, strong, earthy; sage citrus flavor; clean and distinct flavor; orange peel-like aroma; sweet flavor; slight numbing quality; like wood bugs'; wild and uncharacterizable.
Name this herb.

7) A fish stew which originated with Portuguese and Italian fishermen in San Francisco, California. It consists of fish and shellfish cooked with garlic, tomato and white wine.
Name this fish stew.

8) These dried flower buds are picked before they open. The tree is a member of the myrtle family and is native to the Spice Islands of Indonesia (the Moluccas).
Name this spice.

9) A deep dish (casserole or souffle dish) fruit pie (peach is most common) with only a top biscuit dough crust.
Name this dish.

10) This black, bulbous fungus is considered by most U.S. farmers as a plant disease. The Aztecs considered it a delicacy, and it is still prized in Mexican cuisine.
Name this fungus.



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