Monday, March 31, 2025Daily Trivia Questions are below TODAY’S FOOD QUOTE“I have made a lot of mistakes falling in love, and regretted most of them, but never the potatoes that went with them.” Nora Ephron (1941-2012) FOOD HOLIDAYS - TODAY IS:• Cesar Chavez Day: Official state holiday in California, Colorado and Texas. Not a federal holiday but is declared annually by Presidential proclamation. (see 1927 below). • National Clams on the Half Shell Day (Clam Recipes -- Clam Trivia --- Clam Quotes) • Tater Day (Potato Recipes --- Potato Trivia) (Potato Quotes) • Oranges and Lemons Day (“‘Oranges and Lemons’ say the bells of St. Clements.....” see the complete version) TODAY IN FOOD HISTORY1814 John Lineback of Salem, North Carolina received the first patent for a cottonseed hulling machine. 1848 William Waldorf Astor was born. William Waldorf Astor was a cousin of John Jacob Astor IV, the great grandson of John Jacob Astor. He built the Waldorf section (1893) of what would become the Waldorf Astoria (1897). The Empire State Building (1929) now stands on the site of the former hotel. 1882 During March and April an estimated 1.5 billion dead tilefish were discovered north of Delaware Bay. It is believed that the destruction was caused a storm which brought abnormally cold water to its Gulf stream habitat. (Tilefish History & Facts) 1918 Daylight Savings Time went into effect in the U.S. for the first time. (Time & Time Zone Trivia) 1927 Cesar Chavez was born (died April 23, 1993). American farm worker and labor leader, co-founder with Dolores Huerta of the National Farm Workers Association (now the United Farm Workers). 1946 G. Allan Nichol of the music group 'The Turtles' was born. 1978 Charles Best died (born Feb 27, 1899). Co-discoverer in 1921 (with Dr. F. Banting) of the hormone insulin, used to treat diabetes. 1989 Chefs from Japanese restaurants in New York have finally persuaded the FDA to allow them to import and serve fogu. The first shipment of Japanese blowfish (tora fugu) arrived today. The chefs had to attend special classes to protect their customers from poisoning. 1992 Bob Wian died (born June 15, 1914). Founder of the Big Boy restaurant chain in 1936 in Glendale, California. In 1967 he sold the chain to Marriott Corp. for $7 million. 2005 Frank Perdue president of Perdue Farms died (born May 9, 1920). He was the son of the company's founder Arthur Perdue. Perdue is the 3rd largest poultry company in the U.S. 2014 The International Court of Justice rules that the Japanese government must halt its whaling program in the Antarctic. Japan said it would abide by the decision. ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **
** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** March 20-30, 2025 Oakland Restaurant Week Oakland, California March 24-30, 2025 Citrus County Fair Inverness, Florida March 28-April 6, 2025 Jersey Shore Restaurant Week - Jersey Shore, New Jersey March 28-April 27, 2025 Knott's Boysenberry Festival Buena Park, California March 29-30, 2025 27th Annual Bradford County Strawberry Festival - Starke, Florida (SEE ALL FOOD FESTIVALS and OTHER FOOD EVENTS) ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** FOOD TRIVIA QUIZ (new DAILY questions)1) All of the following events took place in the same year. What year is it? · Kansas became the first state to prohibit all alcoholic beverages. · James Harvey Logan of Santa Cruz, California developed the Loganberry, a cross between a red raspberry and a wild blackberry. · Dr. Satori Kato of Japan introduced the first instant coffee at the Pan American World Fair. · The first U.S. made margarine is produced in New York City by Community Manufacturing Co. 2) The common name of about 25 perennial species of plants that are cultivated for their aromatic properties and used for flavoring. They are found growing wild in many places throughout the temperate and subtropical regions of the world. Pluto's wife Persephone discovered he had a nymph for a lover, and was so angered she turned the nymph into this lowly plant, to be trod upon. Romans considered it to be a symbol of hospitality, and Pliny recommended wearing a crown of this herb when studying because it exhilarates the mind. Several of it's members are among the world's most popular flavors, and other members are good insect repellents. What is the common name of these plants. 3) This spiny Eurasian shrub has greenish-purple tinged flowers and oval yellow-green or red-purple fruit. The plum-sized, nut-like fruit of this plant has been used in Chinese cookery for over 2,000 years. They can be eaten like nuts or candy, or used as a complement to meat and seafood dishes. They are available fresh, dried, and canned. Name this plant. Click Here for Today’s Quiz Answers ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** Read an article about Chef James and the website published in the Winona Daily News, Minneapolis StarTribune, and numerous other newspapers: Click here for the Article ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** Dedication This website is dedicated to: · Gladys Ehler, my mother, who taught me patience and how to make Sauerbraten (it is still my favorite) · Edward Ehler, my father, who taught me a love of books and history. · Barbara Saba, my sister, who taught me how to dance. · Cpl. Thomas E. Saba, my nephew. Died in action on Feb. 7, 2007 in Iraq. He was 30 yrs. young. Chef James TOP |