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“Hare is respectable, even distinguished; rabbit is common and vulgar, and it is good form to turn up the nose at it.”
Waverley Root, 'Food' (1980)
“Don't think to hunt two hares with one dog.”
Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790)
‘Poor Richard's Almanac’
“The hare has always been game, not an adjunct of feudal economy, and highly regarded as a richly flavoured food. That's really the difference - the hare rich and gamey in flavour, the rabbit (good wild rabbit) fresh and succulent. The hare makes one think of port, burgundy, redcurrant jelly, spices and cream; the rabbit needs onions, mustard, white wine, dry cider and thyme.”
Jane Grigson (1928-1990) 'Good Things' (1971
"Many are the ways and many the recipes for dressing hares; but this is the best of all, to place before a hungry set of guests a slice of roasted meat fresh from the spit, hot, season'd only with plain, simple salt....All other ways are quite superfluous, such as when cooks pour a lot of sticky, clammy sauce upon it."
“'Have some wine,' the March Hare said in an encouraging tone. Alice looked around the table, but there was nothing on it but tea. 'I don't see any wine,' she remarked. 'There isn't any,' said the March Hare.”
Lewis Carroll (Charles Lutwidge Dodgson) (1832-1898)
"There was an Old Man whose despair
Induced him to purchase a hare;
Whereon one fine day,
he rode wholly away,
Which partly assuaged his despair."
Edward Lear, English artist, writer; known for his 'literary nonsense' & limericks (1812-1888)
“What a breakfast! Pot of hare; ditto of trout; pot of prepared shrimps: tin of sardines; beautiful beefsteak; eggs, mutton, large loaf and butter, not forgetting capital tea. There's a breakfast for you!”
George Borrow, English writer (1803-1881)
‘Wild Wales’ (1862)
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