PIES A Chicken Pie
Pick and clean six chickens, (without scalding) take out their inwards and wash the birds while whole, then joint the birds, salt and pepper the pieces and inwards. – Roll one inch thick paste No. 8, and cover a deep dish, and double at the rim or edge of the dish, put thereto a layer of chickens and a layer of thin slices of butter, till the chickens and one and a half pound butter are expended, which cover with a thick paste; bake one and a half hours.
Or if your oven be poor, parboil the chickens with half a pound of butter, and put the pieces, with the remaining one pound of butter, and half the gravy into the paste; and while boiling, thicken the residue of the gravy, and when the pie is drawn, open the crust, and add the gravy.