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Q: What is Yokit?
A. Yokit is a patented* revolutionary instant snack that does not require refrigeration and has the creamy texture and taste of traditional yogurt. Yokit comes in a 5.5oz single serving container, complete with the Yokit mix and a spoon. Just add cold water, shake and eat! Anytime, Anywhere … Yokit comes in many flavors and we are constantly developing new ones.
Q: What does Yokit mean?
A. The word YOKIT was derived from YOgurt KIT – that is a kit to make Yogurt.
Q: Why Yokit?
A. Yokit has been developed to make taste and nutritional benefits of yogurt available with other snack foods. This is because it requires no refrigerated storage and has a long shelf life.Q: How does Yokit compare nutritionally with traditional yogurts?
A. Yokit has been formulated to provide similar nutritional benefits as traditional yogurt. The current product is low in fat and high in calcium. It also contains healthful yogurt cultures. And also contains prebiotics!
Q: What are prebiotics?
A. Prebiotics are dietary fibers, generally believed to enhance health benefits such as proper balance of microflora, improved immune functions, increased calcium absorption. More information is available by doing an internet search using the key word “prebiotics”.
Q: Is Yokit suitable for children?
A. Of course! Yokit was designed such that it is fun for kids to prepare and has the same ingredients traditional yogurt.
Q: Why should I choose Yokit over traditional yogurt?
A. Yokit offers an alternative to conventional yogurt. Since it requires no refrigeration and has a long shelf life, Yokit is a much more versatile snack option.
Q: How long does it take to prepare Yokit?
A. Only a minute or two!
Q: How is it prepared?
A. Break the temper evident band, and remove the Yokit mix packet and spoon. Pour cold water in the cup to the bottom of the fill line. Tear open the package and gently pour the contents into the cup. Snap the lid on and vigorously shake the contents until it feels heavy. 20 seconds later, Yokit is ready to be eaten!
Q: The cup fill line is thick – how far should I add water? At the top of fill line, bottom of the fill line or somewhere in between?
A. The amount of water will determine the thickness of the final product, and a thicker fill line provides you with a choice to make the final product to your liking! For normal yogurt-like thickness, we suggest you fill water to below the fill line.
Q: Why can’t I just empty the Yokit mix in the cup and then add water?
A. For prepared Yokit to have yogurt like thickness and texture, it is essential that the Yokit mix be added to water and not the other way around.
Q: Why do you say use cold water?
A. Cold water helps make the product thicker!
Q: But where do I find cold water?
A. Our experience shows that normal tap water is the Northern States seems to work just fine! Drinking water from the water fountain works fine also.
Q: Can I change how thick the prepared Yokit is without changing its nutritional value?
A. Definitely! If you like a more liquidy Yokit, then add a bit more water. As a regular user, you will be able to find the correct water amount to be added.
Q: I made Yokit, but it was watery!
A. If you added the Yokit mix to water, usually this should not happen. If more water is added, than clearly it will be watery. Also, if it was not shaken VIGOROUSLY, your prepared Yokit could be watery. Another reason is that the water was not cold enough.
Q. I looked for Yokit at retail and vending stores that you suggested but did not find it. When will it be available?
A. We suggest you let the retailer or the vending machine operators know that you’d like them to stock Yokit. This will ensure its availability.
* US Patent Pending# 117/718-203
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