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A.H. eds, American Heritage Cookbook and Illustrated History of American Eating & Drinking (1964)

  • Acton, Eliza, Modern Cookery for Private Families, (1845)
  • Alto-Sham Inc.; Guide to Low Temperature Cooking & Holding with Halo Heat (1983)
  • Anderson, Jean, M.S. & Deskins, Barbara Phd., R.D., The Nutrition Bible (1995)
  • Apicius, Cookery and Dining in Imperial Rome,  Dover Publications (1977)
  • Artman, L.P. Jr., Conch Cooking (1975) Florida Keys Printing and Publishing
  • Ayto, John, A Gourmet's Guide: Food & Drink from A to Z (1990, 1994)
  • Bader, Dr.  Myles H., 4001 Food Facts and Chef's Secrets (1992)
  • Bailey, Janet, Keeping Food Fresh (1985)
  • Bear, Marina and John; How To Repair Food (1987) Ten Speed Press
  • Beard, James; James Beard's Fish Cookery (1954) Little, Brown and Co.
  • Beard, James; James Beard's Menus for Entertaining (1967) Dell Publishing - A Laurel Edition
  • Beard, J.  A.; James Beard's Theory and Practice of Good Eating, rev. ed. (1984)
  • Beecher, Catharine E., Miss Beecher’s Domestic Receipt-Book (1846)
  • Beeton, Isabella Mary; Beeton's Every-Day Cookery and Housekeeping Book (1865)
  • Bellows, Albert J.; The Philosophy of Eating (1867)
  • Betty Crocker's Cookbook, (1969-1971)           Golden Press; Western Publishing Co.
  • Bierce, Ambrose; The Devil's Dictionary (1911)
  • Bown, Deni, Encyclopedia of Herbs & Their Uses (The Herb Society of America) (1995)
  • Brackett, Babette & Lash, Maryann, The Wild Gourmet (1975)
  • Bremness, L., The Complete Book of Herbs (1988)
  • Brill, Steve ‘Wildman,; The Wild Vegetarian Cookbook (2002)
  • Brillat-Savarin, Anthelme; The Physiology of Taste (1925 English translation)
  • Brillat-Savarin, Anthelme; The Physiology of Taste (1949 M.F.K. Fisher translation)
  • Brooklyn Botanical Garden, Culinary Herbs; Plants & Gardens Special Printing Vol. 38, No. 2, Booklyn Botanic Garden Record (1982-1988)
  • Brown, Alice Cooke; Early American Herb Recipes ()1966
  • Brown, Deni; Encyclopedia of Herbs and Their Uses (1995) Dorling Kindersley
  • Bryson, Bill; Made in America; An Informal History of the English Language in the U.S. (1994)
  • Burnam, Tom, Dictionary of Mis-Information (1975) Thomas Y. Crowell Co.
  • Bryson, Bill, Made in America; An Informal History of the English Language in the U.S. (1994)
  • Carper Jean; Food Pharmacy, The (1988), Bantam Books; Doubleday Dell Pub
  • Carroll, Lewis; Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland & Through the Looking Glass
  • Chalmers, Irena, Great Food Almanac (1994) Collins Publishers
  • Cheng, Rose & Michele Morris, Chinese Cookery (1981) H.P. Books
  • Child, Julia; French Chef Cookbook (1968) Bantam Books
  • Child, Mrs (Lydia Maria Child) The American Frugal Housewife, 12th edition, 1833
  • Claiborne, Craig, The New York Times Food Encyclopedia (1985) Times Books
    Claiborne, Craig, An Herb and Spice Cook Book (1963), Harper & Row Publishers Inc
    Coe, Sophie D.; America's First Cuisines (1994)
  • Cornell Hotel & Restaurant Administration Quarterly ed., Essentials of Good Table Service (1975)
  • Crum, Gertrude Bosworth, A World of Menus and Recipes  (1970)
  • Culinary Arts Inst, Staff Home Economists, French Cookbook, The (1968) Culinary Arts Inst
  • Culpepper, Nicholas’ Culpeper’s Herbal: The English Physician Enlarged (1653)
  • Dalby, Andrew; Dangerous Tastes: The Story of Spices (2000)
  • DeGouy, Louis P.; The Soup Book (1949)
  • Duffy, Patrick Gavin, Bartender's Guide (1971) Pocket Books
  • Durant, Will and Ariel; The Story of Civilization
  • Elbert, Virginia and Elbert, George. Down-Island Caribbean Cookery (1991)
  • Escoffier, A., Escoffier Cookbook and Guide to the Fine Art of Cookery, Crown (1975)
  • Ettlinger, Steve w Falick, Melanie, The Restaurant Lover's Companion (1995)
  • Farmer, Fannie Original 1896 Boston Cooking School Cook Book (1997) Dover Publications
  • Fisher, M.F.K.; How to Cook a Wolf (1942)
  • Fisher, M.F.K.; An Alphabet for Gourmets; Folio Society
  • Fisher, Jeffrey A. The Fish Book. Emerson 1981
  • Food & Wine eds., Best of Food & Wine 1991, American Express Publishing Corp
  • Food & Wine eds., Best of Food & Wine Italian Collection (1991) Am. Express Pub Corp
  • Francatelli, Charles Elme, A Plain Cookery Book for the Working Classes (1861)
  • Franey, Pierre and Flaste, Richard, Cooking in America 1992
  • Franklin, Benjamin; Poor Richard’s Almanac & Later Writings
  • General Foods Corp, Bakers Book of Chocolate Riches (1983)
  • Glasse, Mrs (Hannah) The Art of Cookery (Made Plain and Easy) 1805 edition
  • Gourmet Magazine eds., Best of Gourmet 1990-1991 Editions. Cande Nast Books
  • Gourmet Magazine; Gourmet's Menu Cookbook (1963) Gourmet Distributing Corp
  • Grasso, J.C., Best of Southern Italian Cooking (1984) Barron's
  • Green, Jonathon, editor, Consuming Passions (1985 Fawcett Columbint, New York)
  • Greiner, Tony; compiler; The Minnesota Book of Days (2001) Minn. Historical Society
  • Grieve, M. F.R.H.S., Culinary Herbs & Condiments (1934, 1971) Dover Publicationsriffin, J. H.,
  • Recipes for Sea Food (1913)
  • Grossman, Harold J.; Grossman's Guide to Wines, Spirits, and Beers (1974).
  • Grover, K.; Dining in America (1987)
  • Hackwood, Frederick W.; Good Cheer (1911)
  • Hale, Sarah Josepha Buell; The Good Housekeeper or the Way to Live Well, and to Be Well While We Live (1839)
  • Hale, Sarah Josepha Buell; The Good Housekeeper or the Way to Live Well, and to Be Well While We Live [1841] - With a new introduction by Janice Bluestein Longone (1996)
  • Hall, Dorothy, The Book of Herbs (1974)
  • Hansen, Barbara; Mexican Cookery, Barbara Hansen's (1980)
  • Hearn, Lafcadio, La Cuisine Creole (1885)
  • Hess, Karen; The Carolina Rice Cook Book (facsimile)- The Carolina Rice Kitchen (The African Connection) [1901] (1992)
  • Hill, Judith & Kathryn Knapp eds., Best of Cook's Magazine (1987) Pennington Publishing, Inc
  • Horizon Magazine eds., Horizon Cookbook and Illustrated History of Eating and Drinking through the Ages, 2 vols; (1968), American Heritage Publishing Co. Inc
  • House and Garden eds., Art of Carving, The (1963)
  • Hilton, Conrad, Be My Guest (1957) Prentice-Hall
  • Holmes, Oliver Wendell; The Autocrat of the Breakfast Table
  • Hooker, Richard,  Food and Drink in America: A History (1981)
  • Hylton, W. H., et al., eds., Rodale's Illustrated Encyclopedia of Herbs (1987)
  • Jacobs, Jay, The Eaten Word: The Language of Food, the Food in Our Language (1995)
  • Jacobs, Jay; Gastronomy (1975) and New York a la Carte (1978)
  • James, Lawrence; The Rise and Fall of the British Empire; Folio Society
  • Kadans, J., The Modern Encyclopedia of Herbs (1970)
  • Kiene, Julia ed., Betty Furness Westinghouse Cook Book, The (1954)
  • Kolpas, Norman; Practically Useless Information: Food & Drink (2005)
  • Krohn, Norman Odya, Menu Mystique; The Diner's Guide to Fine Food & Drink (1983)
  • Kurlansky, Mark; Choice Cuts, A Savory Selection of Food Writing from Around the World and Throughout History (2002)
  • Kurlansky, Mark; Salt, A World History (2002)
  • L.G. eds, Larousse Gastronomique; The World's Greatest Cookery Encyclopedia (1988 English, 1984 Fr.)
  • Labensky, S, Ingram, G.G., Labensky, S.R., Webster's New World Dictionary of Culinary Arts (1997)
  • Lebowitz, Fran; Metropolitan Life (1978)
  • Leinwand, Rita & Jan Weimer, Basic Skills for the Good Cook (1981)
  • Lear, Edward; The Complete Verse and Other Nonsense (1846-1876)
  • Leslie, Eliza, Miss Leslie’s Directions for Cookery (1851)
  • Leslie, Eliza; New Cookery Book (1857)
  • Lichine, Alexis, Alexis Lichine's Guide to the Wines and Vineyards of France (1986)
  • Lincoln, Mrs. D. A., Boston Cooking School Cook Book (1884 edition)
  • Loewenfeld, C., and Back, P., The Complete Book of Herbs and Spices (1980)
  • Lukins, Sheila, All Around the World Cookbook (1994)
  • Mather, Robin, A Garden of Unearthly Delights (1995)
  • McCormick & Schmick's Seafood Cookbook (1991)
  • McGee, Harold, On Food and Cooking: The Science and Lore of the Kitchen (1984)
  • Miller, Gloria Bley, The Thousand Recipe Chinese Cookbook (1966)
  • Miller, Joni, Americana Cookbook, Charles Wysocki's (1995) Harry N. Abrams, Inc
  • Miller, Mark; Great Salsa Book, The (1994) Ten Speed Press
  • Montagne, Prosper, Larousse Gastronomique; The Encyclopedia of Food, Wine & Cookery (1961 English)
  • (Montagne) Larousse Gastronomique: The World's Greatest Cookery Encyclopedia (1988 English [1984 French])
  • Morse, Kitty; A Biblical Feast(1998) Ten Speed Press
  • Morton, Julia F., Herbs and Spices; A Golden Guide (1976)
  • Munro, H.H. (Saki); The Best of Saki (Folio Society)
  • Nagy, S., et al., eds., Fruits of Tropic and Subtropic Origin (1990)
  • National Dairy Council, Cheese: Nutritious Food with Taste Appeal (1974-1980)
  • Nichols, Nell B. ed., America's Best Vegetable Recipes; 666 Ways to Make Vegetables Irresistible (1970) Doubleday & Co. Inc
  • Norman, Jill, Complete Book of Spices (1990) Viking Studio Books
  • O’Neill, Molly, ed., American Food Writing (2007) Library of America
  • Owen, Sri, The Rice Book (1994)
  • Oxford English Dictionary
  • Oxford U. Press, Andrew F. Smith ed.; Oxford Encyclopedia of Food and Drink in America, 2 vols (2004)
  • Parke, Gertrude; Going Wild in the Kitchen (1965), David McKay Co. Inc.
  • Parry, J. W., Spices. (1969)
  • Parvis, Sarah E. & Susy Pilgrim Water; The Quotable Feast (2001) Andrews McMeel Pub.
  • Passmore, Jacki; The Encyclopedia of Asian Food and Cooking
  • Perez, Ruth  & Brenda Vidal; Margaritaville Cookbook (1984) Vipco
  • Picayune, The; The Picayune’s Creole Cook Book (1901)
  • Polvay, Marina, Cucina Magra, Cucina Sana (1986) Surfside Publishing Inc
  • Produce Marketing Assn.,Fresh Concepts, (1989) Bill Communications Inc
  • Randolph, Mary; The Virginia Housewife or Methodical Cook (1824 & 1860)
  • Ray, Richard, and Walheim, Lance, Citrus (1980)
  • Revel, J.  F.; Culture and Cuisine:  A Journey through the History of Food (1984)
  • Reynolds, P. K.; The Banana: Its History and Cultivation (1977)
  • Roberts, Jonathan; The Origins of Fruit & Vegetables (2001)
  • Robinson, R.K., ed.; Microbiology of Frozen Foods (1985).
  • Rohde, Eleanour Sinclair; Culinary and Salad Herbs; Their Cultvation and Food Values with Recipes, (1940, 1972) Dover Publications
  • Rohde, Eleanour Sinclair; Rose Recipes from Olden Times (1939)
  • Rombauer, Irma S. & Marion Rombauer Becker; Joy of Cooking (1975) Bobbs-Merrill Co. Inc.
  • Rooso, Julee & Lukins, Sheila, New Basics Cookbook (1989)
  • Root, Waverly, Food: An Authoritative and Visual History and Dictionary of the Foods of the World (1980).
  • Root, Waverly; Eating in America:  A History (1976)
  • Rosen, Harvey & O'Malley; Apple Garnishing (1986) International Culinary Consultants
  • Rosengarten, F., Jr.; The Book of Spices (1969)
  • Rosso, Julee; Great Good Food Luscious lower-fat cooking (1993)
  • Saulnier, Louis - with comments by Jacques Pepin and George Lang; Le Repertoire de La Cuisine; The World Famous Directory of the Culinary Art (1976 rep of 1914).
  • Sampson, J. A.; Tropical Fruits (1980)
  • Sartrain, Jessee; Chefs in America (1988) Chefs In America Publishing
  • Schneider, Sally; Art of Low Calorie Cooking (1990) Stewart, Tabori & Chang
  • Seely, Mrs. L.; Mrs. Seely’s Cook Book, A Manual of French and American Cookery (1902)
  • “Settlement, The” The Way to a Man’s Heart, compiled by Mrs. Simon Kander and Mrs. Henry Schoenfeld (1903) (“The Settlement Cook Book”)
  • Shannon, Ellen; American Dictionary of Culinary Terms (1962) A. S. Barnes and Co., Inc.
  • Shapiro, L.; Perfection Salad:  Women and Cooking at the Turn of the Century (1986)
  • Shaw, Diana; Almost Vegetarian (1994) Clarkson Potter
  • Simmonds, N. W.; Bananas, 2d ed. (1982)
  • Simmonds, Peter Lund; The Curiosities of Food (1859)
  • Simmons, Amelia; “American Cookery”, first edition, Hartford (1796)  (Facsimile edition1958)
  • Simmons, Amelia; “American Cookery”, second edition, Albany (1796) (Facsimile edition 1996)
  • Simon, Andre; A Concise Encyclopedia of Gastronomy (1981)
  • Sisters of the Brethren Church, Subscribers and Friends of the Inglenook Magazine; Inglenook Cook Book, The; (1906), Brethren Publishing House
  • Smith, Jeff; Frugal Gourmet Cooks Three Ancient Cuisines: China, Greece, Rome (1989)
  • Solomon, Charmaine; Complete Asian Cookbook, The (1976, 1981)
  • Somerville, Annie; Fields of Greens: New Vegetarian Recipes from the Celebrated Greens Restaurant (1993) Bantam Books
  • Soyer, Alexis; The Modern Housewife (1851)
  • Soyer, Alexis; The Pantropheon, or A History of Food & Its Preparation in Ancient Times (1853)
  • Soyer, Alexis; Food, Cookery, and Dining in Ancient Times [1853] (Dover ed. 2004)
  • Speir, Elizabeth, ed., Florida Citrus Cookbook (1985), Marmac Publishing Co. Inc
  • Stadelman, William J., and Cotterill, Owen J.; Egg Science and Technology (1986)
  • Stadelman, W. J., et al.; Egg and Poultry Meat Processing (1988)
  • Stern, Jane & Michael; American Gourmet (1991) Harper Perennial, A div. of Harper Collins
  • Stockyards Packing Co.; Meals to Remember Cookbook from Famous Restaurants the World Over (1964) Stock Yards Packing Co. Inc.
  • Stoskopf, N.; Cereal Grain Crops (1985)
  • Su-Huei, Huang; Chinese Appetizers and Garnishes (1982) Wei-Chuan Publishing Co, Ltd
  • Sullivan, Caroline; The Jamaica Cookery Book (1893)
  • Sullivan, Caroline; Classic Jamaican Cooking (1996 revised reprint edition)
  • Tannahill, Reay; Food in History (1973)
  • Tate, Desmond; Tropical Fruit (2000)
  • Thear, K.; Goats and Goatkeeping (1988).
  • Tiddens, Art; Aquaculture in America (1990).
  • Tkac, Debora, ed., Doctors Book of Home Remedies (1990)
  • Tocqueville, Alexis de; Democracy in America
  • Toklas, Alice B.; The Alice B. Toklas Cook Book (1954)
  • Tolley, E., and Mead, C.; Herbs (1985).
  • Trager, James; The Food Chronology (1995)
  • Tyree, Marion Cabell; Housekeeping in Old Virginia (1879)
  • Visser, Margaret; The Rituals of Dinner: The Origins, Evolution, Eccentricities, and Meaning of Table manners (1991).
  • Von Drachenfels, Suzanne; The Art of the Table (2000) Simon & Shuster
  • Voorhees, Don; Why Do Donuts Have Holes (2004)
  • Wake, Susan; Citrus Fruits (1989)
  • Walsh, Joseph M., Coffee; Its History, Classification and Description (1894)
  • Wardowski, Wilfred F.; et al., Fresh Citrus Fruits (1986).
  • Watson, Betty; Language of Cookery, An Informal Dictionary (1968).
  • Weiss, Edith & Hal; Catering Handbook (1971) Gatdeb Book Co. Inc.
  • Wenzel, George L., Sr.; Wenzel's Menu Maker, 2nd Edition (1979).
  • Winter, Ruth, M.S.; Consumer's Guide to Medicines in Food (1995) Crown Trade Paperbacks
  • Wolfe, Linda; The Cooking of the Caribbean (Time Life Books).
  • Wolke, Robert L.; What Einstein Told His Cook (2002) W.W. Norton & Company
  • Wood, Morrison; Cooking with Wine; formerly titled "Specialty Cooking With Wine (1963)
  • Zuckerman, Larry; Potato: How the Humble Spud Rescued the Western World (1998)
  • Additional books listed with various individual articles and other entries.


  • Asia Times
  • Atlanta Journal Constitution (Newspaper, 1995-to date various articles)
  • Boston Globe (Newspaper, 1995-to date various articles)
  • Boston Post (Newspaper, 1995-to date various articles)
  • Chicago Tribune
  • Christian Science Monitor
  • Dallas News (Newspaper, 1995-to date various articles)
  • Denver Post; (Newspaper, 1995-to date various articles)
  • Detroit Free Press (Newspaper, 1995-to date various articles)
  • Key West Citizen (Newspaper, 1995-to date various articles)
  • London Times  to date
  • Los Angeles Times
  • Miami Herald (Newspaper, 1995-to date various articles)
  • New York Daily News (Newspaper, 1995-to date various articles)
  • New York Observer (Newspaper, 1995-to date various articles)
  • New York Times (Newspaper 1995-to date various articles)
  • San Francisco Chronicle (Newspaper, 1995-to date various articles)
  • Sun Sentinel (Newspaper, 1995-to date various articles)
  • The Wall Street Journal (Newspaper 1995-to date various articles)
  • USA Today (Newspaper, 1995-to date various articles)
  • Washington Post (Newspaper, 1995-to date various articles)
  • Washington Times (Newspaper, 1995-to date various articles)
  • Additional newspaper sources listed with various individual articles and other entries.



  • (The) American Scholar (various)
  • Americas Magazine (various)
  • Archaeology (various)
  • American Archaeology (various)
  • Art Culinaire (various)
  • Atlantic  (various)
  • Business Week (various)
  • Cook's Illustrated Magazine (1997-current)
  • Cuisine Magazine, August Home's, 1997-2001
  • Current History (2004-current)
  • Discover Magazine (various)
  • Food Arts (1993-current)
  • Food & Foodways (various)
  • Food, Culture & Society (various)
  • Foreign Affairs (1998-current)
  • Gourmet Magazine (1989-1994)
  • Invention & Technology (various)
  • Issues in Science and Technology (various)
  • MIT Technology Review (1995-current)
  • Modern Maturity Magazine (1995-current)
  • National Geographic (various)
  • Nation's Restaurant News (1997-current)
  • Natural History (1995-current)
  • Nature science journals (various)
  • New Scientist (various)
  • New Yorker Magazine (various)
  • Restaurant Hospitality Magazine (1994-1999)
  • Restaurants & Institutions
  • Scientific American Magazine (1984-current)
  • Science Magazine (various)
  • Science News (1993-current)
  • Scientist  (various)
  • Smithsonian (1995-current)
  • Technology Review, MIT (various)
  • Utne (various)
  • Wilson Quarterly (1995-current)
  • World Press Review (various)
  • Additional magazines listed with various individual articles and other entries.

CDs and DVDs

  • American Heritage Electronic Talking Dictionary and Dictionary of Cultural Literacy CDROM (1992)
  • Compton's Interactive Encyclopedia CDROM (1994, 1997, 2000)
  • Encarta Encyclopedia (2003)
  • Encyclopedia Britannica, CDROM (1997, 2000, 2001, 2002)
  • Grolier's MultiMedia Encyclopedia, CDROM (1996, 1998)
  • Infopedia CDROM (1992, 1995)
  • Multipedia CDROM (?1995)
  • Oxford English Dictionary (2004)
  • Webster’s Encyclopedia (2001)
  • World Encyclopedia (2001)


  • A Modern Herbal
  • Agricultural Research Magazine (ARSM) (USDA)
  • American Council On Science and Health
  • American Egg Board
  • Auburn University: College of Agriculture
  • Bahamas Ministry of Tourism,6
  • California Farm Bureau Federation
  • California Department of Food and Agriculture
  • California Rare Fruit Growers OnLine
  • Cargill Inc
  • CheeseNet, The Internet's Cheese Information Resource
  • Chicago Tribune Online,
  • Chocolate Manufacturers Assoc/ National Confectioners Assoc
  • Cooseman's Guide to Speciality Produce,
  • Cornell University
  • Culinary Cybercity,
  • FDA: U.S. Dept of Health & Human Services:  Food and Drug Administration
  • Fed World: U.S. Department of Commerce:
  • Florida Agricultural Information Retrieval System (FAIRS),
  • Food & Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
  • Food  U.S. Government Food Safety Information
  • Grieve, Mrs.  M., A Modern Herbal,
  • Hawaii’s Agricultural Gateway
  • Herbst, Sharon Tyler, Epicurious Dictionary (Food Lover's Companion, The)
  • Iowa State University
  • Italian Trade Commision
  • Lexington Collection, The
  • Library of Congress
  • Malaysian Ministry of Agriculture
  • National Agricultural Library
  • Native American Technology and Art
  • New York Times OnLine
  • Scientific American
  • Science News
  • Scientist, The
  • Specialty Produce
  • U.S. Agricultural Marketing Service (USDA)
  • U.S. Dept of Agriculture (various subsites)
  • U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
  • United States Trade Representative
  • University of Minnesota
  • World Health Organization: Food Safety Programme


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