Flatulence from cows and other livestock is a significant source of methane, a greenhouse gas, and Garlic may be the antidote.  A new product, 'Mootral,' containing a natural garlic extract which limits the growth of methane-producing bacteria in cows and sheep, is in the testing stage. If all goes well, Mootral may be on the market within 2 years. (Scientific American Earth 3.0, Summer 2009)

Benjamin Franklin's cure for flatulence was dried rhubarb and attar of roses dissolved in wine.

As of February, 2009 there were more than 75 different flatulence simulation software apps at the iPhone App Store. Farting, or simulated farting seems to be a very competitive market. Two fart app makers are even in a legal dispute: Air-O-Matic was being sued by iFart Mobile over the use ot the term "pull my finger." iFart has been the best selling app for several weeks in the App Store, and there were almost 39,000 downloads of the app on Christmas Day 2008.

Pliny thought the radish was 'a vulgar article of the diet' because of its 'remarkable power of causing flatulence and eructation.'

Fart & Fan Attack:
Police Officer 'Gassed' at Police Station:
While being given a Breathalyzer test at a police station in September 2008, a West Virginia man was charged with Battery on a Police Officer. The alleged 'Battery' took place when the man passed gas and 'fanned' it toward the police officer. The prosecutor's office subsequently requested that the criminal complaint be dropped.


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