See also Who’s Who - Martha White

A history of Martha White

In 1899, Richard Lindsey named his company's finest flour for his three-year-old daughter. Since then, Martha White Foods has been producing quality grain-based products, including flour, corn meal, grits and baking mixes.

 After Richard Lindsey made his famous business decision, Royal Flour Mill continued providing flour and corn meal to the Nashville area. Then, in 1941, Royal Flour Mill was purchased by a Tennessee family who had sold their farm to invest in the flour business.

When Cohen E. Williams acquired Lindsey's mill, he had no idea of the legacy he was initiating. The Williams family coined the slogan "Goodness Gracious, It's Good!™" in 1945, a phrase that for many years was synonymous with Martha White and its products.

In the early years of the company, Martha White relied on country music, an important part of its hometown of Nashville, to convey its advertising message. Knowing their customers liked country music nearly as much as they liked biscuits and cornbread, Martha White's first advertising aired in the 1940's with their sponsorship of the 5:45 a.m. radio show - "Martha White Biscuit and Cornbread Time" - on Nashville's WSM radio. The advertising was expanded in 1948 to include sponsorship of the Grand Ole Opry, where Martha White remains today as the show's longest continuing sponsor.

The company's popularity exploded in the 1950s thanks to a powerful new secret ingredient—"Hot Rize®", which brought convenience to the kitchen and changed home baking forever. Martha White followed this introduction in the early 1960s with the first real convenience mix—Bix Mix—which invited homemakers to make "the world's best biscuits" by just adding water. Martha White continued to pioneer convenience in a pouch with the 1970s introduction of fruit muffins and, in the 1980s, added brownies to the line.

At the heart of all Martha White Foods endeavors lies a commitment to providing quality, innovative baking ingredients. Today, Martha White remains true to its successful recipe: easy-to-bake foods with down home flavor. 

Courtesy of Martha White Logo

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