The terms “Maryland Chicken” and “Chicken Maryland” have various meanings in various countries:
Maryland Chicken is basically Southern Fried Chicken served with a cream gravy. It is so well known, that even Escoffier included a recipe for Chicken a la Maryland in his book 'Ma Cuisine.' Recipes vary on whether the chicken should be dipped in batter, just floured, or dipped in egg and bread crumbs. Recipes for the Cream Gravy also vary widely. There is no definitive recipe.
Several readers report that in Australia, Chicken Maryland refers to a chicken leg with both thigh and drumstick attached.
Additional information on the term ‘Maryland Chicken’:
Hi James
Thought you'd like to know that, when I grew up in England (1951 - 1973) Chicken Maryland was chicken fried in batter, and served with battered, fried bananas and pineapple rings, and usually a corn pancake of sorts with kernels of canned corn.
Cheers, Gary
I thought you'd be interested to know that in the United Kingdom a Chicken Maryland is a meal consisting of battered chicken breast, chips (french fries), a banana fritter, a pineapple fritter, peas and a slice of bacon and/or gammon, with (battered) onion rings as an optional extra.
Regards, Mal
Funny story about Maryland Chicken. My father, who had lived in Maryland for 30 years, went on a business trip to Singapore, and ate in a floating restaurant in the harbor. On the menu was "Maryland Chicken." He'd never heard of such a thing, and just had to try it. What came out was a fried chicken leg, draped with a slice of ham, with fried bananas. After dinner, the waiter asked if he had enjoyed his meal, and he revealed that he was actually from Maryland. Well, the waiter whisked him into the kitchen to meet the chef. Overjoyed to hear he had served Maryland Chicken to a Marylander, he asked if it was up to snuff. My father asked to see the recipe, and was shown a laminated picture of a chicken leg, with the slice of ham . . . and hush puppies. Dad said, "You got the fried bananas just perfect!"Jennie.
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