7-Up was originally called ‘Bib-Label Lithiated Lemon-Lime Soda’ when it was invented in 1929.
The inventor of 7-Up, C.L. Grigg never explained how he came up with the name. Some of the stories about the origin are:
1) Grigg saw a cattle brand with the number '7' and the letter 'u'.
2) The drink has '7 natural flavors' and carbonation.
3) The 7 is for the original size - 7 ounces - and the Up was for 'bottoms up'.
I have seen 2 stories on the first advertising.
1) The first advertising slogan for 7-Up was, “It takes the ouch out of grouch.”
2) From the 7-Up website: The earliest 7 UP advertising featured a winged 7 UP logo and described the soft drink as “a glorified drink in bottles only. Seven natural flavors blended into a savory, flavory drink with a real wallop.”
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