In the past 400 years fewer than 2,500 shark attacks have been reported worldwide.
In the U.S. both dogs and alligators kill more people than sharks.
More people are attacked by cows than by sharks.
"Falling coconuts kill 150 people every year - 10 times the number of people killed by sharks." This widely reported statement has no evidence to back it up.
Shark attacks kill fewer than 20 people each year.
For each human attacked by a shark, one million sharks are killed by humans.
As many as 73 million sharks are killed each year worldwide, many of them for their fins - shark-fin soup is a staple at Chinese celebrations and a popular item on Chinese menus.
There are about 500 different kinds of sharks, ranging in size from 8 inchs long to the whale shark at 55 feet long.
Shark Papers: In 1799 when Britain was at war with France a ship called The Nancy was seized by the British and taken to Port Royal for unlawful trading. The Captain swore that his vessel was American, but then another British ship arrived and produced documents found inside a shark showing that the captain was lying. The papers can be seen at the Institute of Jamaica.
Jamaica Tourist Board (
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