JUNE 7 - Today in Food History• National Donut Day (1st Friday - June 7, 2024) [The Salvation Army] (Donut Trivia & Facts) (Doughnut Quotes) • National Chocolate Ice Cream Day (Ice Cream Trivia -- Ice Cream Recipes) • World Food Safety Day (June 7, 2024) [foodsafetyday.org/] • National Fishing & Boating Week: (June 1-9, 2024) [Recreational Boating & Fishing Foundation] (Articles About Fish & Fishing) • National Garden Week (June 2-8, 2024) [National Garden Clubs Inc] • UK: [National BBQ Week] (June 3-9, 2024) • UK: British Tomato Fortnight: (May 27-June 9, 2024) [British Tomato Growers’ Association] (Tomato Trivia -- Tomato Recipes -- Tomato Quotes) On this day in:1867 At the Cafe Anglais Chef Adolphe Duglere served the famous 'Dinner of the Three Emperors,' for Tsar Alexander II of Russia, his son (later to become tsar Alexander III) and King William I of Prussia. The table service used for the dinner is still on display at the oldest existing restaurant in Paris, La Tour d'Argent. (See also May 6, 1929). 1921 The Minnesota Cooperative Creameries Association is formed. It is now known as Land O'Lakes. (see also April 17, 2020 and Land O'Lakes History) 1934 The musical comedy 'Caviar' opened at the Forrest Theatre in New York City. 1939 Grapefruit sized hail kills hundreds of farm animals in Rock County, Minnesota. (Minnesota Food Trivia -- Minnesota Food Festivals) 1967 Dave Navarro of the music group 'Red Hot Chili Peppers' is born. 1989 For one second today, the time is 01:23:45, 6-7-89 1990 France, West Germany and Italy lift a ban on British beef-on-the-bone imports. Beef-on-the-bone can now be exported from any BSE (mad cow disease) free farm in Britain. 2001 'Lady Marmalade' by Christina Aguilera, Lil' Kim, Mya & Pink (from the movie Moulin Rouge) is #1 on the charts.