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Today in Food HistoryMAY >  May 6



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MAY 6 - Today in Food History

• National Beverage Day

• National Crepe Suzette Day (History and Recipe)

• International No Diet Day (annually May 6)

• Bulgaria: St. George’s Day, patron saint of shepherds and farmers.

• [Herb Week] (May 5-11, 2024)

On this day in:

1806 Chapin Aaron Harris was born.  He was cofounder of the first dental school in the world, the Baltimore College of Dental Surgery.

1833 John Deere developed the first steel plow.

1835 The first issue of the ‘New York Herald’ newspaper was published by James Gordon Bennett.

1836 Max Eyth was born (died Aug 25, 1906).  German engineer and inventor working with agricultural machinery in England and Germany. He founded the German Agricultural Society (1884).

1851 John Gorrie patented an ice making machine, the first U.S. patent for a mechanical refrigerator.
(Refrigerator Trivia & Facts)

1862 Henry David Thoreau Died (born July 12, 1817). 
American author, philosopher, and naturalist.  Author of 'Walden; or, Life in the Woods.'

1889 The world's fair, 'Exposition Universelle' opened in Paris, France. The main symbol and entrance was the newly constructed Eiffel Tower.

Daniel Gerber of baby food fame was born.
(Baby Food Trivia and Facts)

1903 Toots Shor was born (died Jan 23, 1977). American restaurateur, Toots Shor's Restaurant was a gathering place for New York celebrities during the 1940s and 1950's.

1929 The famous Paris restaurant, La Tour d'Argent served its 100,000th signature dish, 'Caneton Tour D'Agent' (pressed duck). Founded in 1582, the restaurant introduced the signature dish in 1890 and numbered each duck served. The 1 millionth duck was served in 2003. (See also June 7, 1867).
(Article about La Tour d’Argent’s Famous Pressed Duck)

1940 John Steinbeck receives the Pulitzer Prize for his novel 'The Grapes of Wrath.'  (see also Feb 27, 1941)

1959 Icelandic gunboats fired on British trawlers during their ‘Cod War’ over fishing rights.
(Cod Fish Trivia  ---  Codfish Recipes)

1988 DoughnutGate: After an NHL playoff game, New Jersey Devils coach Jim Schoenfeld was suspended for telling referee Don Koharski to "eat another doughnut you fat pig." (Doughnut Trivia & Facts)

1994 Queen Elizabeth II and French President Francois Mitterrand formally opened the Channel Tunnel between France and Britain. The first land link between Britain and Europe.


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