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“If you are lucky enough to have lived in Paris as a young man, then wherever you go for the rest of your life, it stays with you, for all of Paris is a moveable feast.”
Ernest Hemingway (1950)
“In Paris today millions of pounds of bread are sold daily, made during the previous night by those strange, half-naked beings one glimpses through cellar windows, whose wild-seeming cries floating out of those depths always makes a painful impression. In the morning, one sees these pale men, still white with flour, carrying a loaf under one arm, going off to rest and gather new strength to renew their hard and useful labor when night comes again. I have always highly esteemed the brave and humble workers who labor all night to produce those soft but crusty loaves that look more like cake than bread.”
Alexandre Dumas (1802-1870)
When asked by a social-climbing Paris hostess how he liked his truffles, Curnonsky replied:
"In great quantity, madame. In great quantity."
Curnonsky, adopted name of Maurice Edmond Sailland
French writer, journalist and gastronome (1872-1956)
“I think I may say without contradiction that when the Paris Exhibition closes, electric light will close with it, and no more will be heard of it.”
Erasmus Wilson
Professor at Oxford University, (1878)
“Edunt et vomant" Latin. (They have eaten and let them vomit). Comment by Harriet Van Horne after Craig Claiborne and a friend bid $4,000 in a charity auction for a dinner for two. They flew to France, and proceeded to order a meal of 31 dishes with nine rare wines at one of Paris' best restaurants.
Harriet Van Horne, ‘New York Times’ (1975)
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