CURRENT CULINARY QUIZ QUESTIONSANSWERS ARE BELOW (A New quiz every day) TODAY’S FOOD TRIVIA QUIZ1) All of the following events took place in the same year. What year is it? · 'Grape Nuts' cereal is introduced by C.W. Post as a health food. · Alfred L. Cralle of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, patented an "Ice-Cream Mold and Disher" (ice cream scoop). His basic design is still used. · Campbell's Soup invents condensed soup. · The Waldorf-Astoria opened (the combined Waldorf and Astoria hotels). It was the largest in the world at the time with 1,300 rooms. 2) In 1850, there were an estimated 20 million head of buffalo on the western plains. How many head of longhorn cattle shared the prairie with them? 3) What did Millard Fillmore and his wife Abigail do that caused the White House cooks to quit in protest? 4) What was the first fresh fruit to carry a trademark?
ANSWERS TO TODAY’S FOOD TRIVIA QUESTIONS:1) All of the events took place in 1897. (Food History Timeline: 1895-1899) 2) Open-range longhorn cattle herds are estimated at 50 million head in 1850. 3) They installed the first cooking stove in the White House. Previous to this, cooking was done in a fireplace. The president had to get an expert from the Patent Office show the cooks how to regulate the heat on the new stove before they would return to work. 4) In 1919 the California Fruit Growers Exchange burned 'Sunkist' on their oranges. 'Sunkist was burned into the skin of the first orange with a heated flyswatter. TOP |