CURRENT CULINARY QUIZ QUESTIONSANSWERS ARE BELOW (A New quiz every day) TODAY’S FOOD TRIVIA QUIZ1) All of the following events took place in the same year. What year is it? · The 18 story, 750 room Plaza Hotel opened in New York City. It set the standard for luxury accommodation and service. · Maytag washing machines are introduced. · Scott Paper Co. introduced the first paper towel. · Hershey milk chocolate Kisses are introduced. 2) An English dish originally from India, it will contain rice, lentil, and hard cooked eggs, with a rich cream sauce (béchamel), sometimes with curry. The English version usually contains smoked fish, or cooked fish. Name this dish. 3) One of the few native American cheeses, this is a pungent, surface ripened cheese, with a pale yellow crust and semi soft interior. It was developed by Emil Frey of New York in 1882, and was named after a singing society. Name that cheese. 4) What citrus fruit is most likely a cross between a pomelo and a tangerine?
ANSWERS TO TODAY’S FOOD TRIVIA QUESTIONS:1) All of the events took place in 1907. (Food History Timeline: 1906-1910) 2) Kedgeree, kegeree, kitchari. 3) Liederkranz (after the Liederkranz Club). 4) The Tangelo. TOP |