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United States Food Festival Section:  Listed by State & Month

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 HAWAII:  January/February/March  -  April/May  -  June/July  -  August/September  -  October/November/December

Check previous year if event is not yet updated to current year

2025 HAWAII: January, February & March
Food & Wine Festivals, Shows, Events

(see also: 2020  -  2019  -  2018  -  2017  -  2016)


February 14, 2025
Most of the more than 1/2 million restaurants in the U.S. have special events scheduled for today. They are too numerous to list.

February 15-22, 2025  National FFA Week - Nationwide
The week of George Washington's birthday as National FFA Week in recognition of his legacy as an agriculturist and farmer.

March 3-7, 2025 - National School Breakfast Week - Nationwide
School Nutrition Association.  'Make the Grade with School Breakfast.'

March 8, 2025  30th Annual Kona Brewers Festival
Kailua-Kona, Hawaii
An annual event designed to promote the microbrewery revolution in Hawai'i, to encourage professional brewers and chefs to work together as an industry and to have a significant and positive economic and environmental effect on the community.

March 18, 2025 - 'AgDay' National Agriculture Day - Nationwide
A day to recognize & celebrate the abundance provided by agriculture.

March 29-30, 2025  Foodie-Con & Spring Expo - Honolulu, Hawaii
Foodie Con is a 'Comic-Con' style consumer show that showcases all things food!  This two-day shopping and educational event offers attendees the chance to meet culinary purveyors, purchase the newest food trends, and experience cuisines from hand-selected vendors including food artisans, cookware and gadgets, restaurants, local chefs, food trucks, craft breweries, wineries, and more.


2020 HAWAII: January, February & March
Food & Wine Festivals, Shows, Events
waiting for new dates

January 25, 2020 - Ka Molokai Makahiki Festival
Kaunakakai Town, Molokai, Hawaii
The 'Makahiki' is a designated period of time following the harvesting season when wars and battles were ceased, tributes and taxes were paid by each district to the ruling chief, sporting competitions between villages (districts) were organized and festive events were commenced. Ka Molokai Makahiki is committed to preserving these ancient traditions, especially those specific to Molokai.

2019 HAWAII: January, February & March
Food & Wine Festivals, Shows, Events
waiting for new dates

February 17-24, 2019 - Annual NWA Convention - Waikoloa, Hawaii
National Watermelon Association.

2018 HAWAII: January, February & March
Food & Wine Festivals, Shows, Events
waiting for new dates

February 23, 2018 - Culinary Arts Under the Stars - Waikoloa, Hawaii
Culinary Arts Under the Stars, hosted by the Kings' Shops, was a delightful and delectable benefit thanks to the chef participants, volunteers and attendees. This food tasting event is a benefit for the Culinary Arts Program at Hawai`i Community College-Palamanui and sponsored by the American Culinary Federation Kona Kohala Chefs Association.

2017 HAWAII: January, February & March
Food & Wine Festivals, Shows, Events

waiting for new dates

January to December, 2017 - Eat The Street - Honolulu, Hawaii
Eat The Street food truck rally happens on the last Friday of each month and is now located at 1011 Ala Moana Blvd. and features over 40 food vendors each month and attracts over 7,000 people eager to sample the best street food Hawaii has to offer!

2016 HAWAII: January, February & March 2016
Food & Wine Festivals, Shows & Local Events

waiting for new dates

February 5-6, 2016 - Celebrity Chef Tour - Maui, Hawaii
Benefiting the James Beard Foundation, featuring Award-Winning Chefs



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