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'Juice' by Pippa Cuthbert and Lindsay Cameron Wilson

"That is the magic of floral smells . . . when you taste them, the flavor still eludes you, as if you are eating a piece of a place that might not exist, or a memory of something that never really happened . . ."
Diana Henry, Crazy Water Pickled Lemons.

8 lychees, peeled
1 tsp rosewater
2-3 ice cubes
1 tsp grenadine

Blend the lychees with the rosewater and ice. Pour in grenadine.

Grenadine is a sweet, deep red, pomegranate-flavored syrup used to color and flavor drinks and desserts. Originally, grenadine was made from pomegranates grown on the island of Grenada in the Caribbean. Now other fruit-juice concentrates are also used to make the syrup.

Copyright © 2005 Pippa Cuthbert and Lindsay Cameron Wilson
Reprinted from JUICE!. Copyright by Good Books (
Used by permission. All rights reserved.



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