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United States Food Festival Section:  Listed by State & Month

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Illinois >  Illinois: April

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ILLINOISJanuary  -  February  -  March  -  APRIL  -  May  -  June  -  July  -  August  -  September  -  October  -  November/December

Check previous year if event is not yet updated to current year

2025 ILLINOIS - APRIL 2025
Food & Wine Festivals, Shows, Events

(see also: 2024  -  2022  -  2021  -  2019  -  2018  -  2016  -  2015)


April 5-6, 2025
Oak Lawn Home Show
Oak Lawn, Illinois
Free Admission & Free Parking!  We are excited to return to deliver you the largest & finest Home Show in the area, allowing great homeowners to connect with great home improvement businesses and experts in every industry.

April 17, 2025  The WhiskyX - Chicago, Illinois
You’ll discover and taste some of the world’s most notable whiskies. Tastings, including some cocktails, are led by expert brand ambassadors and distillery representatives.

April 26-27, 2025  Lake County Home Show - Grayslake, Illinois
Lake County Fairgrounds.  Free Admission & Free Parking!

2024 ILLINOIS - APRIL 2024
Food & Wine Festivals, Shows, Events
events waiting for new dates

April 27, 2024  Craft Beer Festival - Long Grove, Illinois
Enjoy craft beer samples and entertainment at this annual event.


2022 ILLINOIS - APRIL 2022
Food & Wine Festivals, Shows, Events
events waiting for new dates

April 22, 2022  Earth Day - Worldwide
More than 1 billion people now participate in Earth Day activities each year, making it the largest civic observance in the world.

April 30-May 1, 2022 - Home & Garden Shows - Naperville, Illinois
Free Admission & Free Parking!

2021 ILLINOIS - APRIL 2021
Food & Wine Festivals, Shows, Events
events waiting for new dates

April , 2021  Baconfest Chicago - Chicago, Illinois
At the UIC Forum (725 West Roosevelt)..  Artisan bacon-makers and bacontrepreneurs will display, sample, and sell their multitude of local craft bacons and bacon-related products. Bacon Cocktail Contest.  At the Bacon Chef and Bar Expo chefs from Chicago’s hottest restaurants prepare and serve small plates starring bacon. The Fest works with the Greater Chicago Food Depository in support of their mission to end hunger in our community.

April 13-15, 2021 - ProFood Tech 2021 - Chicago, Illinois
EVENT CANCELED DUE TO CORONAVIRUS.  Three trade show leaders joined forces to announce the launch of ProFood Tech, a new event that will focus on processing technologies serving the food and beverage industry.

2019 ILLINOIS - APRIL 2019
Food & Wine Festivals, Shows, Events
events waiting for new dates

April 13, 2019 - Annual Sheep & Crafts Festival - Waterloo, Illinois
Free. This annual festival's activities include sheep shearing, spinning, weaving, and working sheep dog demonstrations. Also featured are agricultural exhibits and displays, antique tractors, clinics, and entertainment. A variety of food and drink including a lamb lunch are available from local organizations.

April 25, 2019  Celebrity Chef Tour - Chicago, Illinois
Benefiting the James Beard Foundation, featuring Award-Winning Chefs

2018 ILLINOIS - APRIL 2018
Food & Wine Festivals, Shows, Events
events waiting for new dates

April 21, 2018 - Belleville Ale Fest - Belleville, Illinois
The 6th Annual Ale Fest will be held at 4204’s new Banquet & Distribution Center, located at 6435 West Main Street in Belleville.  Only a little more than a mile from the Memorial MetroLink Station and 20 minutes from Downtown St. Louis,  the festival will feature unique beers from craft breweries around the country.  Live music will accompany the craft beer and culinary celebration.  From the lightest pale ale to the darkest stout, the Belleville Ale Fest will have something for everyone.

2016 ILLINOIS - APRIL 2016
Food Shows and Local Food, Beer and Wine Events

events still waiting for new dates

April 22-24, 2016 - Eat, Write, Retreat 2016 - Chicago, Illinois
Eat, Write, Retreat is an intensive learning weekend focused on strengthening connections within the food community through a shared exploration of cooking, writing and photography.

April 30, 2016 - 6th Annual Pastoral Artisan Producer Festival
Chicago, Illinois
Presented by The Specialty Food Association.  11am-3pm at the Chicago French Market.  Greg O’Neill & Ken Miller, co-owners/co-founders of  Pastoral Artisan Cheese, Bread & Wine, created the APF to showcase the talents of local, national and international producers of high quality artisan foods and beverages.  The APF is now one of the largest FREE events of its kind in the Midwest and honors almost 100 artisan producers who are dedicated to craft food and beverage production.

2015 ILLINOIS - APRIL 2015
Food & Wine Festivals, Shows, Events

events waiting for new dates

April 2-May 14, 2015 - Foodhist Temple - Chicago, Illinois
The Foodhist Temple, A sanctuary of food sculptures by artist Peter Anton will be presented at the UNIX Gallery New York.  It will include Anton’s monumental-sized, hyper-realistic boxes of chocolates, donuts, cakes, pizza, bacon, fried eggs, sushi, and other craved food items. His sculptures are crafted from carefully selected and manipulated materials, including resin, metal, wood, clay, and acrylic and oil paints.

April 14-15, 2015 - 9th Annual Food Technology and Innovation Forum
Chicago, Illinois
Bridging the gap between R&D, Marketing and Innovation  This year’s event will build upon previous years to focus on how you can harness new technologies and ingredients to improve performance for your entire project team.

April 17-26, 2015 - Edelweiss Restaurant Schlachfest - Norridge, Illinois
Schlachtfest, a ceremonial event in which pigs are butchered, symbolizes the return of spring and is traditionally celebrated with a huge feast of roast pig and sausages.  Edelweiss has recreated this centuries old tradition with an authentic Schlachtfest special.



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