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Illinois >  Illinois, March

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ILLINOISJanuary  -  February  -  March  -  April  -  May  -  June  -  July  -  August  -  September  -  October  -  November/December

Check previous year if event is not yet updated to current year

2025 ILLINOIS - MARCH 2025
Food & Wine Festivals, Shows, Events
(see also: 2024  -  2023  -  2020  -  2019  -  2015)


February 27-March 9, 2025
North Side Restaurant Week
Chicago, Illinois


March 1-2, 2025
Crystal Lake Home Show
Crystal Lake, Illinois
Free Admission & Free Parking!  We are excited to return to deliver you the most popular home show in in the area, allowing great homeowners to connect with great home improvement businesses and experts in every industry!

March 2-4, 2025  CNM Symposium - Rosemont, Illinois
Clinical Nutrition Mangers (CNM), a Dietetic practice group of the American Dietetic Association.

March 3-7, 2025 - National School Breakfast Week - Nationwide
School Nutrition Association.  'Make the Grade with School Breakfast.'

March 7-8, 2025  Midwestern Herb and Garden Show
Mt. Vernon, Illinois
Billed as the largest event of it's type in the area, the Midwestern Herb and Garden Show promises to be spectacular. With vendors from throughout the midwest and nationally known speakers, this event is geared for everyone from the novice to master gardeners.

March 15-16, 2025  Schaumburg Home Show - Schaumburg, Illinois
Free Admission & Free Parking!  The Largest Home Show in Chicagoland!  Schaumburg Convention Ctr.

March 18, 2025 - 'AgDay' National Agriculture Day - Nationwide
A day to recognize & celebrate the abundance provided by agriculture.


2024 ILLINOIS - MARCH 2024
Food & Wine Festivals, Shows, Events
events waiting for new dates

March 25-26, 2024  7th annual Illinois Craft Brewers Convention
Bloomington, Illinois
The Illinois Craft Brewers Guild, in partnership with the Master Brewers Association of the Americas.  The conference and trade show features keynote addresses, technical seminars, workshops, and - for the first time ever - the opportunity to walk away with key industry certifications.

2023 ILLINOIS - MARCH 2023
Food & Wine Festivals, Shows, Events
events waiting for new dates

March 18-19, 2023  Home & Garden Shows - Romeoville, Illinois
Free Admission & Free Parking!

2020 ILLINOIS - MARCH 2020
Food & Wine Festivals, Shows, Events
events waiting for new dates

March 30, 2020  Share Our Strength's Taste of the Nation
Chicago, Illinois
No Kid Hungry's culinary events highlight the nation's finest talent in the food and drink industry, all united under one cause: ending childhood hunger. Each year these events raise the critical funds needed to support No Kid Hungry's work to ensure that all children in America get the healthy food they need, every day.

2019 ILLINOIS - MARCH 2019
Food & Wine Festivals, Shows, Events
events waiting for new dates

March 3, 2019 - Cochon555 - Chicago, Illinois
With an all-star cast of chefs who specialize in whole animal cooking paired with farmers responsibly raising delicious heritage breed pigs. The all-inclusive feast will feature a hundred-plus prominent chefs, farmers, sommeliers, distillers, brewers and barkeeps all working in concert to create luxurious moments that educate the palate. At the heart, Cochon555 aims to create moments of inspiration, and to engender discussion and action - to buy, to cook, shop and donate in the name of safe, honest, and delicious food.

March 8, 2019 - International Women’s Day Dinner Crawl
Edgewater, Chicago, Illinois
International Women's Day March 8 is a global day celebrating social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women.  The day also marks a call to action for accelerating gender parity.  Edgewater’s International Dinner Crawl features cuisines from around the world presented by women-led neighborhood restaurants. This year’s event has grown to include two routes: a North Route including 12 stops, and a South Route including 13 stops. Each location will serve a different cuisine, so crawlers can taste many foods from around the world in one evening.  As of today, nearly 40 businesses are participating.

March 22-23, 2019 - Good Food Expo - Chicago, Illinois
Celebrating leaders, businesses, and individuals that sustain the burgeoning, locally-driven Good Food Movement. With a Festival celebrating the joys of food, conference workshops focused on local sourcing, industry trends, and DIY, this event has something for everyone.

March 31, 2019  10th Annual Bee Forum: Honey Bee Nutrition
Chicago, Illinois
Garfield Park Conservatory Alliance hosts an annual Bee Forum to join local beekeepers and beekeeping experts to discuss relevant topics in the world of beekeeping, in addition to building community with Chicagoland beekeepers. This year’s theme is “Reading the combs–experiencing the world through the perspective of the bees” will focus on interpreting what bees are telling us as we inspect the hives and help us determine how to transition from having bees to keeping bees to managing bees.. To help build community and keep the conversation going, we have a shared potluck lunch.

2015 ILLINOIS - MARCH 2015
Food & Wine Festivals, Shows, Events

events waiting for new dates

March 2-8, 2015  Urbana Restaurant Week - Urbana, Illinois
Urbana Restaurant Week will provide the community with seven days to sample, dine, and enjoy all that Urbana has to offer. Price fixed menus will be provided at each of the participating restaurants. Offering a combination of $10, $20, and $30 options, the menus will give diners a chance to try dishes they’ve never had before and enjoy old favorites for a great value.



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