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United States Food Festival Section:  Listed by State & Month

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Maine >  Maine: September

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 MAINE:  January/February/March   -   April/May/June  -  July   -   August   -   September   -   October/November/December

Check previous year if event is not yet updated to current year

2024 MAINE: September 2024
Food & Wine Festivals, Shows & Local Events
(see also: 2023  -  2020  -  2018  -  2017  -  2016  -  2015)


August 24-September 2, 2024
Windsor Fair - Windsor, Maine

August 29-September 2, 2024
The Blue Hill Fair - Blue Hill, Maine

August 30-September 2, 2024
Harmony Fair - Harmony, Maine

August 31-Sept 1, 2024
36th Annual Eastport Salmon and Seafood Festival
Eastport, Maine


September 5-8, 2024  Clinton Lions Agricultural Fair - Clinton, Maine
Clinton Family oriented agricultural fair with animal and mechanical pulling utstanding midway, exhibit halls, stage entertainment and woodsmen contest.

September 6-8, 2024  Litchfield Fair - Litchfield, Maine
Agricultural Fair.  Litchfield Fairgrounds.

September 11-14, 2024  Oxford County Fair - Oxford, Maine
Livestock shows, animal pull events, midway, crafts, exhibits, and a new harness race track.

September 12-15, 2024  92nd Annual Agricultural Fair
New Portland, Maine
New Portland Lions 92nd Annual Agricultural Fair and the 29th Annual Maine Crafts Festival.  Fun for the Whole Family!


September 14, 2024  Community BBQ - Brunswick, Maine
Kick off Summer at a Community BBQ! Join us on the Town Mall on Maine Street in downtown Brunswick between 11:30 AM and 2 PM.  Adults: $5 per person. Kids: 5 and under $3 all cooked by Celebrity grillers!  Meal includes choice of hamburger or 2 hot dogs, chips, cookie, watermelon & beverage.

September 15-21, 2024  Farmington Fair - Farmington, Maine
Franklin County Agricultural Society.  Large midway, exhibit halls, livestock exhibits, animal pull events, harness racing, demolition derby.

September 20-22, 2024  Common Ground Country Fair - Unity, Maine
Maine Organic Farmers and Gardeners Association.  A celebration of rural life, demonstrations, Maine-Organic produced foods and crafts as well as livestock exhibits.  Attendance: 60,000.

September 28, 2024  20th Annual Maine Lakes Brew Fest
Casco, Maine
A chance to sample Maine's best brews and wines. Great music, awesome food and the popular Point Sebago Artisan's Craft Show. A fun day with something for all.

September 28-29, 2024  152nd Cumberland County Fair
Cumberland, Maine
A week filled with agricultural exhibits, displays and exhibitions, and a great mix of entertainment.

September 29-October 6, 2024  Fryeburg Fair - Fryeburg, Maine
Maine's largest agricultural fair complete harness racing, a farm museum second to none, the world's largest steer and oxen show, pig scramble, skillet throw, tractor pull, etc.  Attendance: 300,000.

2023 MAINE: September 2023
Food & Wine Festivals, Shows & Local Events
events waiting for new dates

September 16, 2023  39th Annual Maryland Wine Festival
Westminster, Maryland
150+ Maryland Wines!  Take pleasure in Maryland wine with tastings from the wineries, live music, foods from local restaurants, arts and crafts and wine education seminars. Don't miss the presentation of the Governor's Cup Awards announcements on stage each day of the festival.

2020 MAINE: September 2020
Food & Wine Festivals, Shows & Local Events
events waiting for new dates

September 18-20, 2020  Scarecrow Festival - Fort Kent, Maine
THIS WILL BE A VIRTUAL EVENTfor 2020.  SEE WEBSITE FOR DETAILS.   The Scarecrow Festival is held in-tandem with the University of Maine at Fort Kent Homecoming Weekend.  This weekend is chock full of activity - all in celebration of the changing of the season and harvest-time. Between the Homecoming events, the Festival and taking in the fall atmosphere (fall foliage rides/hikes, exploring the Scenic & Cultural Byways, fishing, hunting), the most difficult thing will be to fit it all into your itinerary.

2018 MAINE: September 2018
Food & Wine Festivals, Shows & Local Events
events waiting for new dates

September 21-23, 2018 - 3rd Annual Great Maine BBQ Challenge
Southwest Harbor, Maine
Hosted in the heart of beautiful and scenic MDI (Mt. Desert Island), for a weekend of family fun, great food, and exciting entertainment in one of the country’s most scenic places, all to benefit charities.

2017 MAINE: September 2017
Food & Wine Festivals, Shows, Events

(events waiting for new dates)

September 30, 2017  Manchester Apple Festival - Manchester, Maine
The 14th Annual Manchester Apple Festival includes: parade, road race, craft show, food vendors, live music, apple picking, hay rides, kids' activites, contests, events and more.

2016 MAINE: September 2016
Food & Wine Festivals, Shows & Local Events
(events waiting for new dates)

September 9-11, 2016  18th Annual MDI Garlic Festival
Southwest Harbor, Maine
A gathering of numerous local restaurants, musicians, brewers and garlic growers. Most importantly, the festival has raised thousands of dollars for local non-profit organizations.

2015 MAINE: September 2015
Food & Wine Festivals, Shows, Events

(events waiting for new dates)

September 19, 2015 - Oktoberfest Maine - Brunswick, Maine
3rd Annual Oktoberfest.  Fall is approaching and you want to enjoy one more festive occasion. Mark your calendar now, order your tickets and attend the 2nd Annual Oktoberfest presented by the Southern Midcoast Maine Chamber.



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