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Breakfast, Luncheon and Tea
By Marion Harland [Mary Virginia Terhune] (1875)

If you use canned salmon, drain it very dry and pick into coarse flakes with a silver fork. If the remnants of roast or boiled fish, remove all bits of bone, skin and fat, and pick to pieces in the same way.


    • 1 bunch of celery, or 2 heads of lettuce.

    For Dressing.
    • 1 cup boiling water.
    • 1 table-spoonful corn-starch.
    • 2 table-spoonfuls best salad-oil.
    • 1 teaspoonful made mustard.
    • 1/2 cup vinegar.
    • 1 small teaspoonful black pepper, or half as much cayenne.
    • 1 teaspoonful salt.
    • 1 table-spoonful melted butter.
    • 2 raw eggs--yolks only,--beaten light.
    • 2 hard-boiled eggs, yolks only.
    • 2 teaspoonfuls powdered sugar.


Wet the corn-starch with cold water and stir into the boiling water until it thickens well; add half of pepper, salt, sugar, and all the butter.

Remove from the fire, and beat in the raw yolks while still scalding hot.

Set aside to cool, while you cut the celery or lettuce into small pieces, tearing and bruising as little as may be.

Mix this lightly with the fish in a deep bowl.

Rub the boiled yolks to a powder, add the salt, sugar and pepper, then the oil, little by little, beating it in with a silver spoon; next, the mustard.

When the thick egg sauce is quite cold, whip the other into it with an egg-beater, and when thoroughly incorporated, put in the vinegar.

Mix half the dressing through the fish and celery, turn this into a salad-dish, mounding it in the centre, and pour the rest of the dressing over it.

Garnish with rings of boiled white-of-egg or whipped raw whites, heaped regularly on the surface, with 2 caper on top of each.

Do not be discouraged at the length of this receipt. It is easy and safe. Your taste may suggest some modification of the ingredients, but you will like it, in the main, well enough to try it more than once.

The complete 'Breakfast, Luncheon and Tea' may be found on the Michigan State University website:
'Feeding America: The Historic American Cookbook Project'



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