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Cut up my Steak, Please

By Katharine Branham

Many years ago when I went to school during the day, I waited tables in an upscale restaurant six nights a week. The clientele were usually business executives, travelers from out of town, or couples enjoying an evening out. The rush would usually start at 5:00 and we would soon be serving steaks non-stop until 9:00.

     One evening a man was seated alone in my section, the other employees seemed very eager to give me this customer. I offered him more time to look over the menu -- but refusing; he ordered a filet with broccoli and baked potato. When the steak was ready, I placed it in front of him and he leaned back in his chair. I was puzzled as to what he wanted next. He said, “Since you are new here, you need to know that I prefer my server to cut my steak up for me”. So I picked up the knife & fork and cut up the steak while feeling a tad awkward.

     He seemed pleased as he began to eat. I was shocked to find he left me a very good tip, which was the same amount as his tab. Later I learned that the other employees were glad he sat at my table, because they would refuse to comply with his odd request. That customer continued to come in and ask for a table in my section for the next three years. It goes to show that going the extra mile is a great way to create customer loyalty.


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