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United States Food Festival Section:  Listed by State & Month

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UNITED STATESArizona >  Arizona: April Festivals

ARIZONAJanuary  -  February   -   March   -   APRIL  -   May  -  June  -  July  -   August  -  September  -  October   -   November  -  December

Check previous year if event is not yet updated to current year

2025 ARIZONA - APRIL 2025
Food Festivals & Local Food and Beverage Events

(see also: 2023  -  2021  -  2020  -  2019  -   2016 )


March 31-April 3, 2025
Food + Beverage Environmental Conference
Phoenix, Arizona


April 6-9, 2025  33rd Annual NFRA Executive Conference
Tempe, Arizona
The National Frozen & Refrigerated Foods Association.

April 12, 2025  47th Annual Blessing of Sonoita Vineyards
Elgin, Arizona
10:00am to 5:00pm.  Tickets: $25   Admission includes: 4 Food and Wine Pairings, 6 Drink Tickets, Winery and Vineyard Tours, Live Music All Day, and Souvenir Giveaway To First 100 People!   Also, Horseback rides and a 2hr trail ride from Arizona Horseback Experience.

April 22, 2025 - Earth Day - Worldwide
The first Earth Day on April 22, 1970, activated 20 million Americans from all walks of life and is widely credited with launching the modern environmental movement. More than 1 billion people now participate in Earth Day activities each year, making it the largest civic observance in the world.

April 29-May 1, 2025 - National Organic Standards Board Meeting (Spring) - Tempe, Arizona
The National Organic Standards Board (NOSB) is a federal advisory committee established by the Organic Foods Production Act of 1990 and administered through AMS. The NOSB advises the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) on aspects of the organic regulations.


2023 ARIZONA - APRIL 2023
Food Festivals & Local Food and Beverage Events
events waiting for new dates

April 15, 2023  36th Annual My Nana's Best Tasting Salsa Challenge
Mesa, Arizona
Taste more than 100 freshly made salsas, jam-out to live music, throw your kids in the KidZone and witness our famous Margarita Mix-Off!  My Nana’s Best-Tasting Salsa Challenge contestants can enter as an Individual, Business/Restaurant, or Non-profit, creating salsas to enter in three distinct categories: Hot, Mild or Anything Goes! A panel of professional and celebrity judges will then vote on their favorites in a double-blind contest before awarding the $1,000 grand prize to the best salsa.  The largest annual fundraiser for Arizona Bleeding Disorders.  Attendance: 20,000.

2021 ARIZONA - APRIL 2021
Food Festivals & Local Food and Beverage Events
events waiting for new dates

April 17-19, 2021  ChefsForum Event Series - Tucson, Arizona
EVENT CANCELED DUE TO CORONAVIRUS.  We’ve renamed our ChefConnect events “ACF ChefsForum” to shed light on the in-person and online component that will bring us together during these unprecedented times and the dynamic platform we are creating to engage more members, and deliver ongoing learning.

2020 ARIZONA - APRIL 2020
Food Festivals & Local Food and Beverage Events
events waiting for new dates

April 18, 2020  Annual Scottsdale Culinary Festival
Scottsdale, Arizona
EVENT POSTPONED DUE TO CORONAVIRUS.  As the longest running festival of its kind in the United States, the festival draws more than 40,000 visitors looking to enjoy fabulous food, fun and festivities (not to mention idyllic weather!)  Attendance: 40,000.

2019 ARIZONA - APRIL 2019
Food Festivals & Local Food and Beverage Events
events waiting for new dates

April 12, 2019  The Cocktail Society - Scottsdale, Arizona
Admission: $85 presale - $100 Day of event. Tickets include Complimentay Cocktails, Unlimited fine food tastings, Live music and whimsical entertainment.

April 28, 2019  Annual ameriCAN Canned Craft Beer Festival
Phoenix, Arizona

2016 ARIZONA - APRIL 2016
Food Festivals & Local Food and Beverage Events

(events waiting for new dates)

April 4, 2016  Wingstock: Where Music and Chicken Meat
Mesa, Arizona



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