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United States Food Festival Section:  Listed by State & Month

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Indiana >  Indiana: March Festivals

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INDIANAJanuary/February  -  March  -  April/May  -  June  -  July  -  August   -   September   -   October   -   November/December

Check previous year if event is not yet updated to current year

2025 INDIANA - MARCH 2025
Food & Wine Festivals, Shows & Local Events
(see also: 2019  -  2018  -  2017  -  2016)


March 1-2, 2025
Parke County Maple Syrup Fair
Parke County, Indiana
At winter’s end, Parke County’s Maple Syrup Producers begin tapping the maple trees that provide sugar water for making maple syrup. Join in on the two weekends of fun at the Parke County Maple Fair. Travel country roads with world famous covered bridges and tour maple syrup camps throughout the county. See how maple syrup is made down at the "sugar camp" and sample its wonderful flavor. Feb 22-23 and March 1-2, 2025.

March 3-5, 2025  Indiana Tourism Conference - Fort Wayne, Indiana
All aspects of the industry are here to learn, network, and have a good time with others who also work in this exciting business.

March 3-7, 2025 - National School Breakfast Week - Nationwide
School Nutrition Association.  'Make the Grade with School Breakfast.'

March 8-9, 2025  Sugar Camp Days
Bendix Woods County Park, New Carlisle, Indiana
Join us in celebration at Bendix Woods County Park as the end of winter nears! Watch sap cook into syrup, enjoy a pancake and sausage breakfast (a New Carlisle Lion’s Club fundraiser), tour the Sugar Bush, purchase home-made baked goods or maple syrup, enjoy family music and much more!

March 18, 2025 - 'AgDay' National Agriculture Day - Nationwide
A day to recognize & celebrate the abundance provided by agriculture.

March 20-22, 2025  Joint IMPPA/KAMP Annual Convention
Evansville, Indiana
Indiana Meat Packers & Processors Association (IMPPA) and Kentucky Association of Meat Processors KAMP).  Educational seminars, produce show, trade show, hands-on processing demonstrations, 60+ booth trade show and social activities.


2019 INDIANA - MARCH 2019
Food & Wine Festivals, Shows & Local Events

(events waiting for new dates)

March 22-23, 2019 - PigMania Steak & BBQ Competition
Franklin, Indiana
Calling everyone who can cook a great steak,Pro/AM steak competition on Friday night, its only $100 entry fee and we provide the steaks for you!  Saturday is our professional KCBS BBQ Competition, Pro teams can arrive as early as Thursday at noon and stay until Sunday morning.   Teams, Make sure to come in early for the Pro team party on Thursday evening.

2018 INDIANA - MARCH 2018
Food & Wine Festivals, Shows & Local Events

(events waiting for new dates)

March 24-25, 2018 - 5th Annual Food Waste & Hunger Summit
Indianapolis, Indiana
Each spring, we host a Food Waste & Hunger Summit that brings together leading national nonprofit organizations and engaged students who are working to fight food waste and hunger, for a packed weekend of learning about advocacy, service and leadership. Students and staff from universities across the country share best practices, ideas and resources to expand their impact in the fight against food insecurity. We expect 250 emerging leaders representing the next generation of hunger relief.

2017 INDIANA - March 2017
Food & Wine Festivals, Shows & Local Events
(events waiting for new dates)

March 11-12, 2017 - Spring Farm Fest - Evansville, Indiana
Demonstrations, presentations, and hands-on activities relating to Indiana farming throughout the centuries.  While most farm festivities center on fall’s bountiful harvest, Spring Farm Fest honors both the dawn of the season and this Indiana legacy.  As home to some of the state’s first corn growers, Angel Mounds is the ideal place to learn about Indiana’s earliest farmers and the heritage that shaped this great state.

2016 INDIANA - MARCH 2016
Food & Wine Festivals, Shows & Local Events
(events waiting for new dates)

March 5-6, 2016  National Maple Syrup Festival
Brown County, Indiana
The National Maple Syrup Festival will celebrate its second year in Brown County, and will feature tree tapping, sap boiling, incredible foods and unique drinks using maple syrup as an ingredient.  In 2016, the focus will move to Brown County State Park. While the Festival continues in venues around Brown County, the 2016 event will appeal more to outdoor lovers, those looking for relief from cabin fever and families looking for fun.



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